The senior management of the Communist Party of China has repeatedly required the party and government agencies to have a close life. The Chinese Minister of Finance Lanfo An said that it is not too tightly to keep the wallet tightly without spending money.EssenceHe emphasized that this is not a need for a while, but a long -term plan.

China National People's Congress held on Wednesday (March 6), a press conference on the theme of the Chinese economy. The current situation of the Chinese economy is severe. At the press conference of nearly two and a half hoursSeven questions such as hot issues such as downgrade are asked.

Main financial officials lined up at the meeting to face the media, including Zheng Zujie, Blue Buddha An, Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao, Pan Gongsheng, President of the People's Bank of China, and China Securities Supervision and ManagementCouncil Chairman Wu Qing.

This year's government work report also mentioned that "governments at all levels must get used to spend a tight life", highlighting the financial situation of local government difficulties.

When answering related questions, Blue Foan explained that "the party and government organs have a tight life, not to tighten their wallets without spending money, but the flower of the flower., Concentrate financial resources to do major events. "

He raised data to show that the results achieved by the central government in the past few years: The central department spent continued to grow continuously from 2020 to 2022, with a slight increase of 0.8%in 2023.

He said that the central departments used the saved money to support local livelihood and promote development.From 2019 to 2023, the central government's local transfer payment ranged from 7440 billion yuan (RMB, with the same below, about S $ 1385.6 billion), to 1090 billion yuan, and the first time exceeded 10 trillion yuan.

Blue Buddha An also said that this year's government work report emphasized again that governments at all levels must be used to spending a tight life, "further highlighting that this is not a temporary need, but a long -term plan."

The Chinese government has set up 5%economic growth goals this year, higher than the 4.6%estimated figures proposed by the International Monetary Fund in February.

Regarding the outside world's questioning goals of China's economy, Zheng Shanjie confused that about 5%of the economic growth goals this year meet the annual requirements of the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" and basically match the potential of economic growth.Following the goal that can be achieved. "

Zheng Zujie: The initial estimate of equipment update needs more than 5 trillion yuan huge market

In order to stimulate consumption, the State Council of the State Council on March 1 has reviewed and approved the promotion of large -scale equipment renewal and consumer goods to the old -fashioned new action plan, and the equipment and consumer goods are replaced by the old.Zheng Shanjie disclosed that last year, the scale of equipment investment in key areas such as industry and agriculture was about 4900 billion yuan. The demand for equipment renewal in this area will be preliminary estimated that it will be a huge market with a scale of more than 5 trillion years.

He revealed that in terms of durable consumer goods, the number of Chinese civil vehicles reached 33,600 vehicles at the end of last year, and the number of household appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, and air conditioners exceeded 3 billion units.Substation space. ".

On the other hand, when talking about how monetary policy supports the economy, Pan Gongsheng pointed out at a press conference that the situation in China and abroad is still complex and changing.The banking industry's deposit reserve ratio was average of 7%, and Pan Gongsheng foreshadowed that "there is still room for subsequent reduction in subsequent approval."