Director of the Hong Kong Security Bureau Deng Bingqiang, when meeting with reporters, criticized the British Foreign Minister Cameron to discredit Article 23 of the Hong Kong Basic Law.

Comprehensive Yingbao Xingdao Daily and Radio Hong Kong reported that Deng Bingqiang met with reporters after attending the Sixth Global Global Global Forum of the World Customs Organization on Tuesday (March 5), saying that the Hong Kong government will actively cooperate with legislationThe work of the meeting was completed as soon as possible to deal with the continuous risks and threats of national security.

He revealed that after the end of the 23 legislative public consultation, after the end of the end of last month, some previously mailing opinions were received. At presentOnly 97 objections, accounting for 0.72%.48 objections that can be identified, one -point, one -point, one of the wanted criminals from overseas anti -China organizations and risen in foreign countries, or being detained in prison.

Deng Bingqiang said that these anti -China organizations include Hong Kong Supervision and International Amnesty Organization, and criticized Hong Kong Supervision to propose to sanction Hong Kong officials. The International Amnesty Organization also falsely reported to the Hong Kong Government to detain rights protection.He emphasized that 23 legislation is defensive and "doors and windows for Hong Kong and national security."

He said that most opinions support legislation, but some external forces have discredited legislation and publicly criticized Cameron.

Deng Bingqiang pointed out that Cameron believes that the British system is superior to Hong Kong, so Hong Kong cannot have its own national security law.However, according to the United Nations Charter, each place can formulate a system that suits you in accordance with its own political, cultural, economic, and social conditions. No one is superior to anyone, and questioned Cameron's criticism of 23 legislation as a double standard.

Deng Bingqiang also refuted Mei Ruui, the Consul General of the United States in Hong Kong and Macao.Mei Rurui said that the Hong Kong Internet review system is increasingly continental, and some American corporate personnel use it to abandon the phone and laptop when they go to Hong Kong.In this regard, Deng Bingqiang responded that illegal eavesdropping is the expertise of the United States, and even the call of foreign heads of state has eavesdropped. "You can listen illegally globally, and we cannot guarantee our safety in accordance with the law?"