The Beijing News Shell Finance (Reporter Zhao Fangyuan) On March 4, the second session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference officially opened.Zhou Shihong, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and deputy chairman of the Anhui Provincial Committee of the Democratic Revolutionary Revolutionary Revolutionary Revolution, told the Beijing News reporter that this year he submitted a suggestion to clearly support the "professional fake" counterfeit in legislation, judicial and law enforcement.

Zhou Shihong, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

Zhou Shihong believes that "professional counterfeiters" are "marketing of the market", a market supervision supplementary mechanism, and a mass participation mechanism. In the face of the severe situation of counterfeit and inferior products and consumer fraud, only to create fakes and fakes and inferiorityThe situation and atmosphere of everyone's shouting of the product, forming the social co -governance of the masses to participate in counterfeiting, can they comprehensively strike and deterize fraud and fraud.

"As long as counterfeit and shoddy products should be punished by law, regardless of whether the counterfeiter is a consumer or a professional counterfeiter", as long as he discovers, reveals and cracks down on counterfeit products and consumer fraud, it is worth encouraging and supporting.It is necessary to choose to support counterfeiting, rather than counterfeiting., "Selling fakes", whether the product "hit" is fake and shoddy, if not, he just wants to get compensation and profit -seeking.

Zhou Shihong proposed that the economic prosperity formed by fake and shoddy products is false prosperity, let alone high -quality development.On the contrary, counterfeit and shoddy products and consumer fraud directly harm the people's vital interests, damage the business environment and national image, and do not have equal protection problems in their producers and sellers.Mobilizing the masses to participate in supervision, implement punitive compensation, and expel counterfeit and inferior products to the market is a legitimate measure to optimize and promote market survival of the fittest.It is not worthy of support for a small number of people who really oppose "occupational counterfeit" and affect the maintenance of their own improper interests.

"Supporting citizens' counterfeiting in legislation, judicial and law enforcement, and occupational counterfeiting are the maintenance of legislation and judicial achievements of high -quality development and consumer rights of consumer rights." Zhou Shihong said.

In this regard, Zhou Shihong suggested that the National People's Congress and related judicial and law enforcement departments unified their ideas and amended relevant legal regulations as soon as possible to unify the principles of judge in judicial trials and administrative law enforcement, and clearly supported "professional counterfeiters" to counterfeit behaviors, and insisted on insisting onStrict punishment compensation for counterfeit and shoddy products.

Editor Yan Xia

School pair Jia Ning