The person in charge of the government work report and the director of the State Council ’s research office, Huang Shouhong, Zhou Yan, Xiao Shouhong

On March 5th, at the interpretation of the government work report held by the State Council News Office, the surging news ( reporter asked: We have learned that some private enterprises are not confident and not optimistic about development prospects.Unwilling to invest in expanding production, which further affects private investment and employment.What effective measures will be taken in boosting the expectations and confidence of private enterprises?

In this regard, Huang Shouhong, the head of the government work report and director of the State Council's research office, said that the private economy is an important part of the Chinese economy and an important force of modern construction.The Party Central Committee and the State Council attached great importance to the development of private enterprises and the private economy. General Secretary Xi Jinping has delivered a series of important speeches in recent years. The Party Central Committee and the State Council issued documents to promote the development and growth of private enterprises last year.The following measures were proposed in the government work report:

First, implement and improve various support policies.In recent years, Around the promotion of the development of private enterprises, many support policies have been introduced . The overall implementation of these policies is good, but some are not in place. continue to implement these policies. It is also necessary to launch some new measures around the concerns of enterprises. For example, for private enterprises, it is necessary to reflect the problem of default accounts.In response to the expensive financing of financing reflected in private enterprises, the report proposes to increase the proportion of private enterprise loans, expand the scale of financing of debt issuance, and so on.

The second is to optimize the business environment around the company's concern.The report emphasizes that it is necessary to focus on solving outstanding problems in private enterprises in market access, factor acquisition, fair law enforcement, and protection of equity. These problems are also reflected in private enterprises.At the same time, measures will also take measures to deepen the construction of a unified market in the country and resolutely maintain the market order of fair competition.

Third, support the innovation and development of the private economy.Since the reform and opening up, many private enterprises have dared to work hard and play a positive role in promoting growth, increasing employment, and improving people's livelihood, showing an excellent entrepreneur spirit. This is a precious wealth.The report pointed out that it is necessary to promote the spirit of outstanding entrepreneurs, support entrepreneurs to focus on innovation and development, and set up enterprises well.On the one hand, from the government's perspective of to create a good environment and build a stage for private enterprises ; on the other hand, private entrepreneurs must actively open up forgenate and overcome difficulties.In retrospect, more than 40 years of reform and opening up, private enterprises have also developed in dealing with difficulties. Now they really face many difficulties and problems, but think about it, compared with more than 40 years ago, compared with 10 years ago, and 5 years ago, 5 years ago.Now the conditions for the development of private enterprises and factors in all aspects are better.The market system, the environment of the rule of law, and the credit system, I don't know how much it is now compared with the past.In the past, with the support of the party and the government, private enterprises continued to grow and grow.In today's environment, private enterprises have actively pioneered for enterprising in accordance with the requirements of the Party Central Committee. In the past, it created glory. In the future, it will definitely create new glory and new achievements.