As one of the most tight provinces in China's finances, officials in Guizhou publicly stated that "spending a tight life" will become the norm, and require resolutely eliminating invalid and inefficient investment., I need to be frugal. "

Guizhou Governor Li Bingjun, on Wednesday (March 6), responded to the reporter's question about the government's "tight life" during the review of the Guizhou People's Congress delegation group that was open to the media that Guizhou provincial organs and public institutions should follow the same according to the public institutions and public institutions.The 15%ratio is uniformly reduced by public expenses.

He also emphasized that "habitual life" is not a measure of power, but should become a normal state.

China's economic growth is under pressure, and land finance in many places is unsustainable.As a province in western China, Guizhou has a relatively lagging development level, limited fiscal revenue, and local debt issues are particularly prominent.

In order to alleviate debt problems, Guizhou issued about 32.5 billion yuan (RMB, the same, S $ 6.2 billion) in February this year, becoming the first province to issue special debt this year.Since the Chinese government proposed to formulate a package of debt in July last year, Guizhou issued a total of about 258.9 billion yuan of special bonds, ranking first in the country.

Li Bingjun also said on Wednesday that Guizhou will strictly manage government investment projects.

He also said that he will resolutely press the non -rigid expenditure that is not urgent, and implement special financial disciplinary rectification operations through disciplinary inspection inspections.

However, Li Bingjun emphasized that "too tight days" is aimed at the government, Guizhou will still increase its investment in industrial development and people's livelihood funds.

Under the tension of the Chinese government's fiscal situation, the government has become more urgent to save its efficiency in expenses.In December last year, the Central Economic Work Conference proposed that party and government organs must get used to live a close life.After that, the government has taken measures to save expenses.

In December last year, Guangzhou requested a notice on the management of conference expenses. It was strictly tightened and tightened the budget of the conference expenses, saving the expenses of the meeting;Release file bags, pens, notebooks and other supplies.

Chongqing also requires the budget of local two sessions to decrease 7.2 % compared with last year; control the cost of catering and set up anti -food waste supervisors; the conference venue does not have plants and flowers.Essence