"We have faded the assessment of scale. For example, some companies pursued the top 500 rankings in the past, but the top 500 actually refers to the sales income '500 major'."In the first" Minister Channel "centralized interview activity of the 14th National People's Congress held on March 5th, Zhang Yuzhuo, director of the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, said that promoting the high -quality development of central enterprises is to improve the enterpriseCore competitiveness, enhance core functions.

On March 5th, the first "Minister Channel" centralized interview activity of the first session of the 14th National People's Congress was held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.This is Zhang Yuzhuo, director of the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, was interviewed by the media.Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Subong

Zhang Yuzhuo mentioned that on the one hand, it is necessary to improve its core competitiveness.The first is to improve the efficiency of all aspects, improve capital efficiency, improve the labor productivity of all aspects, and improve the efficiency of technology output.Guidance is that enterprises must establish the concept of pursuing value and creating value.

On the other hand, we must enhance core functions.Zhang Yuzhuo said that central enterprises are different from ordinary enterprises and must do more work for the people and do things for the people.The central government clarifies the "three concentrations" to promote the concentration of state -owned capital to important industries and key areas that are related to national security and national economic life.Emerging industries concentrate.Our goal is to make the corresponding assets corresponding to the "three concentrations" can increase another 1 percentage point to effectively enhance the functions of central enterprises and state -owned enterprises.

It also stated that when it comes to accelerating the development of new quality productivity, it is still necessary to put innovation in prominent positions, and innovation and quality excellence are the top priority.

Zhang Yuzhuo first talked about the technical source of solving new productive productivity.Last year, the country's R & D investment was 3.3 trillion yuan, of which the central enterprise invested 1066 billion yuan, close to 1/3 of the country.Central enterprises have spared no effort in research and development, and there are many iconic results corresponding to the corresponding.Large domestic aircraft and large -scale oil tankers, when it comes to aviation engines, gas turbines, and fourth -generation nuclear power technology, all come from central enterprises.

He emphasized that in the future, we must strengthen independent innovation and increase investment in the future.For central enterprises, we must "stand up to the sky".In terms of "Dingtian", central enterprises have done a good job. A large number of large scientific engineering and large achievements are from central enterprises.However, there is still a small gap in "standing ground", especially in the underlying technology and root technology.Last year, in terms of application basic research, central enterprises invested 60 billion yuan, accounting for nearly 6%of R & D investment, but this was not enough.

Zhang Yuzhuo said that central enterprises are encouraged to further increase basic research and application technology research, especially the basic research input of target -oriented.Regarding the source of technology, central enterprises must adhere to open innovation and cannot close their doors. They must integrate into the global innovation network. A total of 330 R & D centers in central enterprises in foreign countries must also be related to domestic scientific research institutions, colleges and universities, heads of heads, heads of heads, and heads of heads.Enterprises and innovative private enterprises have established cooperative relationships.Through open innovation and independent innovation, we must truly stand up "top sky".