Sun Dong, director of the Hong Kong Innovation Technology and Industry Bureau, said on Saturday (March 2) that he was confident that the proportion of the total product value of new industrial Hong Kong in 2025 accounted for 1.07%in 2022,Rise to 1.3%.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and Radio of Hong Kong reported that Hong Kong's introduction of key enterprise offices signed intentions with more than ten key enterprises this month. Sun Dong interviewed on Saturday morning that these companies were concentrated on life and health technology., Three major areas of artificial intelligence and advanced manufacturing.

Sun Dong said that many plans to enter overseas life and health technology companies are targeting Hong Kong, because the Hong Kong system is in line with international standards, and Hong Kong's clinical data is recognized internationally.It has great help.

He said that in the past, Hong Kong's research in the field of life and health care is good, there is a sound medical health system, but in the past, research and development and development were relatively decentralized.Local development, in the future, hopes to further strengthen the traditional advantages of Hong Kong, have a key breakthrough in the forefront of development in the field of life and health, and form a distinctive market.The establishment of the Establishment of Life and Health in the budget is precisely the concentrated resources to find breakthrough points in terms of life and health, and at the same time prepare for the establishment of a national laboratory in Hong Kong in the future.

Sun Dong also said that in the future, the river suite will provide researchers with convenient ways to cross the customs, including planning to build two bridges on the border of the river, so that the research and development personnel in the park will also have a white list system.Ensure the orderly flow of personnel, and R & D personnel will have a special visa policy, and the official is studying the convenient arrangements when they enter and leave the urban area.

Sun Dong estimates that in the future, Hong Kong's demand for artificial intelligence computing power will reach 15,000 horsepower (1 pentle equal to 2324 watts).Raise to 5000 horses.He pointed out that artificial intelligence is the hottest category. In important game battlefields in science and technology, political economy, and military, "the industry is followed by computing power." When Hong Kong has a certain computing power, the industry will naturally move closer and gather talents.

Sun Dong also said that the current output value of advanced manufacturing accounts for approximately 1%, hoping to increase to 5%in 2030, but he thinks it is a very challenging goal.However, he is confident that the proportion of total GDP in Hong Kong in 2025, Hong Kong's total expenditure, can increase from 1.07%in 2022 to 1.3%, and even has a chance to be higher.

Sun Dong explained that the government has invested a lot of resources for new industries in the past year, but some of them have not yet landed. Now the government has 53%of the investment.The remaining nine Chengdu is from enterprises. If Hong Kong establishes a vigorous industrial development, I believe that the industry's participation will increase in the future. It is hoped that the government's scientific research investment will account for less than 50%in 2025.