Xu Zhengyu, director of the Hong Kong Fiscal Affairs and Treasury Bureau, said that the ratio of Hong Kong's debt issuance in the next five years will account for 9%to 13%of GDP (GDP), which is still lower than other economies.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and Hong Kong Zhongtong News reported that a new budget mentioned that the Hong Kong government will issue debt of HK $ 120 billion (Same as Sim in about 20.6 billion yuan) next year, retail accounting for 700For 100 million yuan, 50 billion yuan is silver bonds, 20 billion yuan is green and infrastructure bonds.

Xu Zhengyu said on the radio program on Friday (March 1) that the main purpose of the Hong Kong government issued bonds is not regular expenses.The new development zone, and even other engineering projects, these projects are helpful for long -term economic development.

He said that the Hong Kong government will have the timing of debt issuance, including paying attention to market interest rate trend, and whether other institutions will issue bonds at the same time, and emphasize that the Hong Kong government will borrow it.

Xu Zhengyu said that the Hong Kong Government adheres to the principle of prudential financial management. In the next five years, the proportion of debt issuance will account for 9%to 13%of GDP. Compared with other economies, it is still a "low level", and the debt situation in Hong Kong is relatively stable.

In response to maintaining the stock market operation in severe weather, Xu Zhengyu pointed out that this is a market consensus. The Hong Kong government will finalize the details before the middle of this year. When the market is ready, it will be implemented. Before the implementation, there will be market exercises.He said that the new arrangement is a good thing for the Hong Kong stock market, which can enhance competitiveness and admit that Hong Kong is behind.