Nongfu Spring Guanwei released the article "Zhong Yan: I and the Three Three Things of Zong Zong" on March 3, and Zhong Yan, the founder of Nongfu Shanquan, said that his respect for the spirit of Zong Old entrepreneurs has never shaken.On various occasions, I always stated that Zong Lao is an entrepreneur representative I respect.

The full text is as follows

Today is the first day after Zong Lao's "head seven".Zong Lao has always been my respect entrepreneur.He and my teacher and friends, of course, are also competitors.When I learned that Zong was seriously ill, I immediately asked someone to ask for a visit, but at that time, Zong Lao was inconvenient to see the guests, and he regretted that he could not do it.After the death of Zong Lao, I went to Lingtang to worship the hanging, present the wreath, and expressed condolences to Zong Lao's family.

Elderly hates cyber violence before his life.I never thought that by the death of Zong Lao, a large number of slander on the Internet has appeared on the Internet.As a party that was accidentally involved in the vortex of the incident, I need to do a clarification with the past that are worth remembering with Zong Lao.

I officially resigned as a reporter from Zhejiang Daily in February 1988 and went to the sea to do business.I have done newspapers and planted mushrooms.However, during the start of Hainan, I found that Hainan real estate had just emerged around 1990, and Hainan did not have the ability to process curtain fabric processing.Therefore, I set up Dacheng curtain companies in Hainan to transport curtains produced by Hangzhou to Hainan for sale, and gradually developed the curtain business to Wangfujing and Yansha Department Store in Beijing.Therefore, cloth business is the first bucket of gold in my entrepreneurial, not online rumors that "the first entrepreneurial income comes from Wahaha".

In 1991, after the introduction of a former colleague, I was fortunate to go to Hangzhou Qingtai Street Wahaha Headquarters to visit Zong Lao. For the sake of respect, I specifically selected two books as a gift to Zong Lao. I remember a limit of growth.The other is Z theory.Later, I invited me to see the canned factory he just acquired. It was a state -owned factory with more than 2,200 people.I saw that professional canned production equipment was idle, and then I remembered the canned eight treasure porridge cans in some areas of Southeast Asia at that time. I told Zong Lao this idea.Later, my cousin brought back six cans of local eight -treasure porridge products from Singapore and delivered it to Zong's hometown.

Zong Lao was very happy. I felt that my proposal had a market. Later, I invested in research and development, developed and produced the well -known Wahaha nutrition porridge, and suggested that I set up Wahaha Office in Guangxi and Hainan to sell Wahaha Children's Nutrition Oral Oral Liquid in Guangxi and Hainan.I readily agreed.Helpless, the consumer demand in Hainan and Guangxi did not meet expectations at that time, but it was difficult for me to sell products through the market.After that, several business companies went to Hainan to ask me to buy goods, so I was able to clear the goods.Later, I learned that children's nutritional oral solution has a market in Guangdong.

Many years later, at a sales conference in Nongfu Spring, I joked: Wahaha, who did not sell in Hainan in Hainan, is probably sold to Guangdong.It's right.Unexpectedly, a casual drama at the time now became the guilt of my "forgetfulness".I have never led my salary in Wahaha, and I can't talk about being fired due to the rush.

In the early days of the development of the market economy, all kinds of management was very extensive. Modern sales concepts such as channel management and rushing goods could not be talked about at the time.Looking at the problems of the year from now on, it is really ridiculous.

After 2000, the dispute between natural water and pure water. As the two "protagonists" of the dispute, Wahaha and Nongfu Spring clarified their respective positions and product claims in the dispute.score.Since then, both of us have a lawsuit with each other, but in the end, Zong Lao and I shook their hands with the testimony of the main leaders of Hangzhou at that time.To this day, I still insist that the mineral elements in water are crucial to human health, which is why I insist on the production of natural water.However, my respect for the spirit of the old entrepreneur has never shaken.I have always said on various occasions that Zong Lao is an entrepreneur representative I respect.

The two or three things above and Zong Lao want to come today, which is a little story worth remembering, but also a great spiritual wealth.It is also hoped that the majority of netizens will not be brought by individual media or big V while expressing their thinking about Zong Lao.Regardless of Wahaha or Nongfu Spring, what always insists on the same thing: produce good products for the people.

express the thoughts of Zong Lao again!

Zhong Yan

March 3, 2024

Yu Hangzhou