According to today's Russian TV website reported on March 3, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors and Space Exploration Technology Company, seems to agreeAfter the disintegration of the Soax, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, NATO lost the reason for existence, but it decided to start to expand to fill the blank.

It is reported that Sax said on the social platform X on the 2nd that in the 1990s, NATO, led by the United States, "faced a crisis of survival" because it no longer had opponents compared with the Soviet Union.However, "it did not dissolve, but it proposed a new mission -expansion."

He added: "In a loop of self -reference, the expansion of NATO must create hostility to prove its rationality."

Musk seems to agree with saxophone's point of view.He wrote on the social platform X: "Yes. I have been thinking that the Warsaw Treaty Organization, which is the enemy of NATO and the reason for its reasons, has disbanded, but why does NATO continue to exist?"

It is reported that since the 1990s, some Eastern European countries, as well as the Baltic countries, and several Bargan countries have joined NATO. These countries have been members of the Warsaw Treaty Organization with the Soviet Union.After the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine conflict, Finland also joined NATO, and Sweden was preparing to follow up.Russia has repeatedly protested NATO eastward expansion and regarded it as a threat to national security.

Moscow expressed special attention to the possibility of Ukraine to join NATO. Russian President Putin said that Kiev hoping to join NATO is one of the key reasons for the current Russian -Ukraine conflict.

According to the Russian satellite agency, Latvian President Edgas Linkvich said that NATO was established to fight Russia, so it did not terminate after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

Before that, the US businessman Musk asked why NATO Group continued to exist after 1991. At that time, the Warsaw Treaty Organization, including the Soviet Union, had disintegrated.

Linkvich said: "Dear Musk, the reasons for the establishment, existence and future of NATO are the other enemies of Russia and the free world."(Compilation/Mei Mei)