According to the website of the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, the latest issue of Qinglian Sichuan disclosed the former deputy general manager of Panzhihua Ferry Corporation, Lu Caineng, and Wang Duoyu, the former chairman of Xingdong Investment Construction Group Co., Ltd.The interest chain of the corruption brothers.

Sources said that on August 29, 2020, the Supervision Committee of the East District Discipline Inspection Commission of Panzhihua City received a report: Wang Duoyu, the current general manager of the East District Urban Investment Company, and the company's legal representative and chairman Lu CaonengPlay mahjong at work.In this regard, on October 29 and 30 of that year, the District Discipline Inspection Commission has successively talked and verified Wang Duoyu and Lu Cai.In the process of conversation, the two not only denied the content of the report, but also talked about personal efforts and the difficulty of the company's development.However, under the in -depth investigation of the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs, the "stealth clothes" of disciplinary violations were unveiled one by one.

Lucai was born in 1979. He worked at the Finance Bureau of East District, Panzhihua City. He later served as Deputy General Manager of Panzhihua Xingdong Investment Construction Group Co., Ltd., from February 2018 to October 2021, he also served as the East District Investment Company of Panzhihua City.Legal representative and chairman.

The Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection introduced that Lu Cai could like to play mahjong.Once and two, he surrounded a lot of "Ma friends", "card friend" and "friend".The most close relationship is its subordinate, Wang Duoyu, then general manager of East District Urban Investment Company, and two projects surnamed Song.Among them, Wang Duoyu graduated from the same university because he was able to graduate from Lu Cai. He had a brotherhood and had similar experiences and went closer.The smart Wang Duoyu also relied on the trust brought by this relationship. He often promoted his distorted view of money and values ​​on the mahjong table and on the wine table.The purpose is also echo.Lu Cai can say, "They seem to have no benefit to me, but they always tell me that life is rare in life, and they must realize the wealth freedom of at least 20 million (dollars)."

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Wang Duoyu, born in 1984, served as the head of the Construction Section of the East Housing and Construction Bureau of Panzhihua City, the general manager of the Panzhihua City East District Urban Investment Company, and the chairman of the Supervisory Board of Xingdong Investment and Construction Group of Panzhihua City.According to the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, due to the long -term work in the field of engineering projects, he has been "hunting" by the architectural owner, and herself ignored the cultivation of party spirit, Wang Duoyu gradually produced a wrong idea of ​​taking a little bit and eating a little bit.Around 2020, Wang Duoyu had some problems in family, career, and health issues.As he deeply improved his hope, he regarded the freedom of wealth as the only "pursuit", eager to find the so -called "security" in money.In order to give his corruption a "insurance", Wang Duoyu aimed at Lu Cai, who was a "first leader".

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The first "cooperation" of the two was in 2020. Wang Duoyu informed Lu Caineng that the commercial supplier Chen Moumou hoped to be helpful in the commercial supply business of the company's engineering project.When Lu Cai could propose the use of commercial services to his management service objects, the other party's response was as expected by Lu Cai and agreed.At that time, the supplier Chen Moumou successfully obtained a comprehensive building protection project and the supply business of a certain old community reconstruction project.In early 2021, Wang Duoyu and Lu Cai could have their own gratitude to the gratitude fee of 70,000 yuan.

Soon after, a project contractor Li Moumou also found Wang Duoyu in order to contracted a certain road infrastructure and supporting project.For this project with a price of about 400 million yuan, Li Moumou generously promised that 1.5%of the contract costs were willing to be a gratitude fee.Wang Duoyu immediately informed Lu Cai's.In fact, Lu Caoneng and Wang Duoyu were not familiar with Li Moumou.In order to test the sincerity and strength of the other party, they proposed to Li Moumou to pay 2 million yuan as a deposit first.What made them unexpected was that Li Moumou was very refreshing. Soon after, he invited Wang Duoyu to meet in a underground parking lot and gave two cash -filled cartons and two handbags.Because Lu Cai was able to propose that after the project was finalized, Wang Duoyu always hid the money in the car trunk.

Wang Duoyu recalled, "When they moved to my car, I felt that the wheels were moving. I felt very heavy. After getting the money, I drove away and returned to another parking lot., Then make some courses, one tie is 100,000, a total of 20 ties. "

Since then, the two have their own duties and actively help Li Moumou.On the one hand, Lu Cai can use the stool of his position to arrange for Wang Duoyu to be responsible for the setting of the bidding conditions. On the other hand, Wang Duoyu leaked the core content of the company's qualifications and personnel settings in the bidding document to Li Moumou in advance to Li Moumoumou, Help it.But just when the two were doing hot, the project was unable to be terminated due to funds.On November 14, 2020, Wang Duoyu had to return 2 million yuan to his boss Li Moumou after discussing with Lu Cai.

The Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection introduced that although the "cooperation" failed to do so, the "pavement" made the "cooperation" behind the two more tacit.In 2022, in order to help the boss Song Moumou take over a comprehensive development supervision project, when the two were controversial in the internal bidding conditions, they sang the "double spring".Lu Cai was able to recall, "When the bidder asked me what to do, I said that the person in charge of the project was actually Wang Duoyu. With his opinions, he prevailed to support his favorable conditions for the conditional settings.The influence and the right to speak helped the boss win the bid, and then the boss gave 400,000. He took 300,000 and divided me 100,000.

The trial found that from 2020 to 2022, Lu Cai could use the convenience of positions to seek benefits for others in terms of project bidding and project construction site supervision., Individuals are 720,000 yuan.On November 16, 2023, Lu Cai was sentenced to 10 years in prison and fined 650,000 yuan.

From 2014 to 2022, Wang Duoyu used the convenience of his position. He alone or his fellow Lu Cai, and others received the cash of 4.065 million yuan in cash, and he was indeed 1.42 million yuan.On September 4, 2023, Wang Duoyu was sentenced to 8 years in prison and fined 600,000 yuan.