(Ashdud Comprehensive Electric) U.S. Secretary of State Brosky, a visit to the Middle East, said that he had stated to Israel's leaders that the United States opposed the army to launch a large -scale offensive against the Rafa in the southern city of Gaza, and it was recommended that "better"Method" to deal with Hamas's threat.Hamas warned that if Israel attacked Rafa, he would stop participating in the ceasefire negotiations.

Brincken said on a press conference at Ashdod, city of Israel, on Wednesday (May 1): "Our position is clear, no change, or change.Civilians will not be harmed, we must not support major military operations in Lafa, and we have not seen such a plan. "

He emphasized that in addition to the big offensive Lafa, the United States believes that Israel has other better ways to deal with the challenges that Hamas continue to bring, and it is just talking to Evil.

But the Israeli government spokesman insisted that Israel was determined to destroy Hamas's residual battle camp in La Fa.According to the Israeli news website YNET, Neutana told Brincken that the military operations of Lafa "do not depend on anything" and stated that they will reject any ceasefire proposal to end the Gaza War.

Brinken also urged Hamas to accept the suspension of fire in Gaza and release Israelic hostages."If Hamas cares about the Palestinian people as herself and wants to immediately reduce their pain, it should accept this agreement."

Hamas warning: If the Evil offensive La Fa will stop negotiations

Hamas senior official Hamdan said on the same day that Hamas held a negative position on the draft of the existing agreement.He also warned that if Israel attacked Rafa, Hamas would stop all non -direct negotiations with Israel.

However, after the Hamas Media Office clarified: "Holding a negative position does not mean that the negotiation stops, this is a problem with coming and going."

Hamas issued a statement on Thursday (2nd) that the Hamas delegation will soon go to Egypt to start a further negotiation.Saudi media previously reported that Egypt would invite a delegation to Cairo with the Harbin Harbin to try to mediate the differences between the two sides.

Brinken said in an interview with the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) on Wednesday that Israel is obviously willing to make "major compromises" in order to promote the agreement, and now the responsibility for ensuring the agreement is Hamas.

As for the action of Israel's promotion to Lafa, what would happen to the United States, Brincken refused to respond.

The Israeli government sources revealed that the Israeli cabinet and the security cabinet met a meeting on Thursday evening to discuss the action plan of the Harbin Harbin Fire Proposal and La Fa.

Brincken also went to the port of Kerem Shalom, which was only a few kilometers away from La Fa, to inspect the situation of rescue supplies entering Gaza.He said that humanitarian assistance in Gaza has made real progress, but considering the huge local needs, progress must be accelerated and continued.

The Pentagon said on the same day that the United States has completed more than half of the construction of the temporary pier for Gasha, and it is expected to be opened earlier this month.

Colombia announced a break with Israel

On the other hand, Colombian President Petro announced that he had broken off with Israel on Thursday.

Petro said to supporters on Wednesday that the world cannot accept the Israeli government's tried to "extinct the entire nation".Israeli Foreign Minister Cats condemned Petro to fight against Jewish, saying that it was equivalent to rewarding Hamasa.

Hamas welcomed Petro's decision, saying that it was their victory.Bolivia, Belize, and South Africa have previously announced the disconnection or suspension of relations with Israel.