U.S. President Biden said that the revenge psychology of China, Russia, Japan, and India is hindering the economic growth of these countries.

Bayeng on Wednesday (May 1) said at a campaign fundraising event in Washington that the United States welcomes immigrants, which is conducive to the national economy.

He said to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, "Why is China's economic situation not good? Why are Japan, Russia, and India suffer difficulties? Because they resist immigrants, immigration makes the United States strong." The International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicted last month that the economic growth of many countries in 2024 will slow down from 2023.However, the IMF predicts that the US economic growth will reach 2.7%, slightly higher than the 2.5%increase in 2023.Economists believe that some reasons are for immigrants to expand US labor.

The United States will be held in November, and illegal immigrants will become the number one issue for many American voters.

Former US President Trump, who was seeking to enter the White House again, said in an exclusive interview with Times Weekly last month that if he was elected again, he might order the US military to expel illegal immigrants on a large scale or put illegal immigrants in a detention camp.