The Solomon Islands of the South Pacific Island State announced on Thursday (May 2nd) that the former Foreign Minister Marinelai was the new Prime Minister.

Governor Solomon Wannjib announced that Jeremiah Manele won 31 votes in the unknown voting of 50 parliamentarians and defeated Weir, the opposition leader who obtained 18 votes, and was elected as the President of the State Prime Minister.

Maneli said in a speech outside the Congress Building on the same day that the people had voiced and called for respect for democratic procedures.He also pointed out that the national economy is slowly recovering from the crown disease epidemic and the anti -government riots in 2021, and the government will soon announce taxes, forestry and mineral policies.

Maneli said earlier that after taking office, he would maintain foreign policy of the last government, with everyone as a friend, and did not fight with anyone.

The Solomon Islands held a parliamentary election on April 17. The "Our Party" led by Prime Minister Sogovre's "Our Party" won the most seats, but did not reach more than half of the seats required by the government.Sogovre subsequently announced that he would not seek re -election Prime Minister. The party led by his leaders supported Manela for election. The two camps were lobbying the independent lawmakers before the voting of the prime minister.

Solomon Islands shifted its diplomatic relations from Taiwan to mainland China in 2019, and the Democratic Progressive Government League led by Sogovre signed a security agreement with mainland China in 2023.The move caused alertness in the United States and Australia, and was worried that China would establish a naval base in the Pacific region.