A survey by the US Think Tank Petoy Research Center showed that about 80 % of Americans held negative views on China for the fifth consecutive year. Many people believe that restricting Beijing's official strength is the primary task.

Based on a survey conducted by Pew Research Center in early April, 81%of Americans held negative views on China, of which 43%held very negative views on China.

71%of Americans believe that China's global influence has increased in recent years.61%of Americans are at least to some extent that territorial disputes occur in China and neighboring countries.

On US -China relations, few Americans regard China as partners (6%), and most Americans regard China as competitors (50%) or enemies (42%).

The survey also found that the proportion of Republicans and Republican independent voters on China's illegal negative views are twice the Democratic and Democratic Party.The former is more likely to regard China as an enemy.

The elderly Americans generally have a more criticized attitude towards China.Among the adults over 65, 61%have a very negative view of China, and only 27%of adults under the age of 30.

Researchers at the Pew Research Center wrote in the report: "The proportion of Americans who hold a negative view of China is quite high, and they believe that China's influence is getting greater.The concerns of state relations and the general distrust of the Chinese President of China. "