(Washington Composite Electric) Bloomberg analysis article pointed out that the United States promotes the prohibition of TIKTOK logo to enter the new stage in the way that the United States guarantees data security, which may eventually affect various fields such as electric vehicles to medical care and reshape these two global economies.Trade relationship.

U.S. President Biden signed a new law on the 24th, stipulating that if the byte beating fails to strip Tiktok in the next year, the application of TIKTOK is prohibited from being applied in the United States, which is equivalent to excluding Tiktok outside the US market.

Rosman, a researcher at the US Strategy and International Research Center of Washington Think Tank, said that the United States now seems to be willing to give up the open Internet that is not restricted by data traffic for national security.

She believes that TIKTOK is not the first of the US legislators, nor will it be the last Chinese company.She said: "(United States) The two parties are now increasingly inclined to technical decoupling, or at least reduce their dependence on the other party."

Data security has once again become the core of the increasingly fierce contest between China and the United States.China has been using the 2021 Data Security Law to strengthen supervision from various fields such as agriculture to geography, while the United States pays attention to the development of logistics networks, autonomous driving and drones.

Crimes, an assistant professor of Chinese scientific and technological policies from Leiden University in the Netherlands, said that it is still unclear what the final situation will be.And it will further de -risk. "

Analysis: National Security will become a restriction on foreign application methods

Analysis pointed out that considering the new risks brought by new technology and the new law of the United States to restrict TIKTOK, it is foreseeable that the US president will perform restrictions on any "application of foreign opponents" that constitutes national security risks in the future.This may change the WeChat application of Tencent, or the commercial structure of Chinese platforms such as TEMU, such as Temu, a subsidiary of Pinduoduo, in the United States.


TIKTOK incident also made American lawmakers see hidden concerns. Tiktok mobilized users to observe the ban last month, showing its influence on Americans.

Mueller, a scholar who specializes in research on cyber security policies, said: "Foreign governments can and are using various social media, newsletters and websites to try to influence American public opinion. In this regard, TIKTOK, Twitter, MetaOr youtube is not different. "

The United States is worried about Beijing's influence on private enterprises

Analysis, the main concern of the United States for Tiktok is Beijing's influence on private enterprises.Chinese data security and other laws can be used to force private companies to transfer data to officials.In recent months, the Biden government has taken measures to block Beijing's obtaining US sensitive data.Biden issued an administrative order in February to prohibit foreign entities from obtaining a large number of genome data from Americans, and avoid countries such as China and Russia to obtain business and military advantages.In the TIKTOK bill, a clause for third -party data suppliers is also added to prohibit them from selling personal data from hostile countries such as China.

The director of the research company Rhodium Group, Gu Rong, said that as the concerns of sensitive data flowing to China continued to intensify, TIKTOK became a reason for Congress to intervene in the field of data security.An important precedent for the Chinese science and technology platform in the US market.