(Washington / Jerusalem Comprehensive) in the United States shows that the International Criminal Court investigated the behavior of Israel in the Gaza Strip.It is reported that because of the concerns of Israeli officials, if the international wanted meeting endangers the prospects of the ceasefire, the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) has quietly launched diplomatic efforts to convey the information to the court.

Bloomberg quoted insiders reported that the United States and allies worry that if Israeli officials are wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC), Israel will withdraw from any off -war agreement.ICC is said to be considering a arrest warrant for senior Israeli officials, including the Prime Minister Neya, and Hamas leaders, because their war behavior in Gaza was illegal.

Sources pointed out that in recent weeks, the differences in the suspension clauses have narrowed and approached an agreement.According to reports, Israel was deeply worried about ICC's potential arrest order. Neutanahu, on Sunday (April 28) and Biden, asked the other party to stop the matter.

The White House Press Secretary Jean-Pierre did not confirm whether Negantahu asked for help at a regular press conference on Monday (29th), only the focus of the two calls is to stop fire and release hostages.And providing humanitarian assistance to Gasha.

Pipier also refused to warn the US warning ICC, and wanted Israeli officials to destroy a report on the prospects of Gaza's off-war war.But she said: "We have always clearly stated that ICC's investigation is not supported. We don't think they have jurisdiction over the matter."

Reuters quoted the news on Monday that ICC prosecutors have obtained a certificate of confession to the staff of Gashefa Hospital and Nasser Hospital.The two hospitals were previously attacked by the Israeli military, saying that the military was said to have Hamas military facilities in the hospital.ICC Prosecutor's Office refused to comment on the investigation.

Neitanahu previously stated that ICC's decision will not affect Israel's actions, but it will set a precedent for danger and threaten all democratic national soldiers and officials who fight against barbaric terrorism and wanton invasion.Israeli Foreign Minister Cat has asked the Israeli embassy to strengthen security, saying that they are facing the risk of "serious anti -Jewish wave".

Matthew Gillet, a lecturer at the University of Essex, pointed out that the wanted Israeli officials will not be able to go to more than 120 member states of ICC, otherwise they may be arrested.The United States and Israel are not members of ICC.

Gillette said that this will also make it more difficult for Western democratic countries to contact Israel.Some allies may take some measures, such as reducing the transfer of Israeli weapons or reducing diplomatic visits, thereby exacerbating Israel's international isolation.

Washington has set a proofing bill to sanction ICC officials

According to the American news website Axios, some members of the United States warned that Washington will respond if ICC issues an arrest warrant on senior Israeli officials.The Republican House of Representatives Chairman of the House of Representatives McCell revealed that they had already started to formulate a bill for sanctions on ICC officials, but "hope that things will not develop to this step."

Egyptian security sources told Reuters that the Hamas delegation left that night after meeting with a ceasefire mediator on Monday.The Hamas delegation will discuss the latest proposal with the leadership and respond within two days.It is reported that the proposal revised around Hamas's final suspension and the request of the Uisha withdrawal from the Uisha.

According to the Israeli news website YNET, the Chief of Staff of the Army Harlevi approved the military action and evacuation local civilians on Monday, the city of Gaza in the southern part of Gasha;Israel may launch an offensive against Lafa.

Bynden talked with the leaders of Qatar and Egypt on Monday, and urged them to do everything to ensure that the hostages held by Hamas were released, saying that this was the only obstacle to "let Gasha immediately cease the fire and provide assistance for the Gaza people."" ".