(New York Composite Electric) The anti -war demonstration wave of Barlustan in American universities continues to heat up rapidly.After Columbia University took the suspension of demonstrations to refuse to clear the field, not only failed to ease the tide of academic tide, but instead intensified dissatisfaction and prompted the upgrade of demonstrations into occupation school buildings and holding staff.

At about 3 am on Tuesday (April 30) in the United States, on the campus of the hotspot of the academic trend, the demonstration students broke into a teaching building, locked in the school building, and stacked the tables and chairs to block the door.Covering the security camera, even holding a school building staff.

According to the Grand School report, the staff member later fled the building, and angrily accused the students "deducting him as a hostage."

The Protestant Organization of Columbia announced that this school building has been taken over by the "autonomous group" of Columbia University and renamed it "Hind's Hall" to commemorate a six -year -old Palestinian girl Lajabu who died in the Harbin conflict.(Hind Rajab).

The tide of academic tide in front of the United States was first caused by the students of the Grand University. In order to curb the increasingly out of control protests, the school adopted a tough attitude.The school issued an ultimatum on Monday (29th) to demonstrate students before 2 pm (Singapore Tuesday at 2 am at 2 am), otherwise they will face various sanctions, including suspension of school, abolished or unable to graduate semester, and prohibition to enter the school to enter the school.All teaching, accommodation and leisure places.

After the time limit arrives, the school really takes action.However, demonstrations still refused to leave or remove tents, and students who occupied the teaching building refused to leave.Students have shown that the school has never stopped protesting before promising their three demands.These requirements are students and faculty members who have business exchanges with business exchanges, university finances must be transparent, and do not dispose of students who participate in protests.

Some demonstrators continue to march in the camp and surroundings. Some of them also wore a traditional Palestinian headscarf and shouted, "Discovery! Withdrawal! We will not stop, we will not rest."

President Shafik issued a statement on Monday saying that the school has negotiated with protest representatives for a long time, but has not been able to reach a consensus.She said that Brother would not give up assets related to Israel, but Brother proposed to invest in medical and education in the Gaza Strip, and will make the university's direct investment more transparent.

Ben Chang explained the school's position on the same day that the measurement measures were taken to ensure the safety of campus.He said: "These demonstration camps have created an unpopular environment for many Jewish students and faculty members, and also brought noisy interference to preparation for teaching, learning and final exams."

The wave of demonstrations that started from Ga University rolled bigger and bigger, spreading to universities across the United States.Preliminary statistics show that the police have arrested more than 350 people on different campuses, and some riot police even used chemical smoke, pepper spray and electric shock gun to dispel the crowd.For example, at the University of Texas University, 43 people were arrested and dozens of people were driven by police sprayed pepper spray.

In addition to the increasing confrontation between demonstrations and schools, the conflict between students is becoming increasingly worrying.Students who support Israel began to speak in school and counterattack the demonstrations.In the University of California, Los Angeles, Israel supporters have set up giant screens and speakers to play a video of Hamas militants raid Israel on October 7 last year.

On this campus, the anti -Israeli protest is also very large, and the demonstrators have built more than 50 tents near the main administrative building.In order to avoid severe conflict on the school, the school set up metal fences around these tents.