China and the United States will restore bilateral climate cooperation negotiations on the occasion of trade and security tensions.

Reuters reports that American and Chinese officials say that the US Climate Special Envoy Podista and Chinese Climate Special Envoy Liu Zhenmin will meet in Washington this month.

This is the first visit to Washington after Liu Zhenmin replaced Xie Zhenhua as a special envoy of China's climate change in January.Podista succeeded Crey two months ago and became a special envoy of the United States.

Liu Zhenmin had passed with Podsta after taking office, but the two had not yet had a formal talks.

Last week, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China was in US Secretary of State Visit China It was revealed that Liu Zhenmin would visit the United States.

A source familiar with the visit said that Liu Zhenmin would visit Washington from May 8th to 10th, and he would also visit New York.

Bayeng government did not confirm Liu Zhenmin's specific visit date.

The United States and China are the world's largest carbon dioxide emissions, accounting for nearly 40 % of global greenhouse gas emissions.