The United States has imposed new sanctions on Russia, involving nearly 300 companies and individuals, including 20 Chinese and Hong Kong companies.A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the United States said that he resolutely opposed the implementation of illegal unilateral sanctions in the United States.

The U.S. Treasury Department announced on Wednesday (May 1) that sanctions on nearly 200 goals.The US State Department also issued more than 80 designated sanctions, stating that the entities and individuals helped Russia to avoid Western sanctions and support the Russian army to launch a war to Ukraine.

This time it included 20 companies in mainland China and Hong Kong companies, and 60 companies from Russia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates were also included in the sanctions list.

The US Treasury Minister Yellen said Washington has warned many times that any company that provides war supplies to Russia and a major threat to international security will face serious consequences.

Yellen and U.S. Secretary of State Brinkeng have continued to warn recently that Chinese companies that support Ukraine for Russia will face serious consequences.

Wall Street Journal quoted people familiar with the matter last month that the United States is drafting sanctions., I hope that through this move, Beijing's commercial support for the production of Russia's military industry.However, the sanction entity announced on Wednesday has not included any Chinese financial institutions.