The British government said on Monday (April 29) that he hopes to remove Chinese production monitoring equipment installed in sensitive places by April 2025.

Reuters reports that the British government's concerns about Chinese spy activities are increasing.In November 2022, British officials stated that the monitoring system produced by companies under the jurisdiction of Chinese national intelligence law should not be used in sensitive places such as British government buildings and military bases.

The British government said that most sensitive places have never been deployed such equipment; about 50%of Chinese production monitoring equipment installed in a few sensitive places have been replaced, and the removal of Chinese production monitoring and removal of the remaining places is obtained.progress.

Alex Burghart, Deputy Minister of Finance, said in a statement on Monday: "The work of removal of remaining (Chinese production monitoring) equipment is stepping up. It is expected that by October this year, about 70%(sensitive) will be expected to be.The place will be demolished (made in China) monitoring equipment, and all the remaining locations are expected to be completely replaced by April 2025.

Due to concerns about privacy, British legislators also called on the ban on sale and use of safe cameras produced by Hikvision and Dahua.

British officials warned half a year ago that Chinese spy is aiming at British officials with sensitive positions in politics, national defense and business, trying to obtain secrets from them.

The British police accused two men engaged in spy activities last week, one of them was allegedly served as a researcher for a well -known lawmaker in the British Parliament.

Berghart emphasized in the statement: "The government attaches great importance to the security of British citizens, systems, and institutions. We have taken a series of measures to review the integrity of our arrangement."