(Geneva / Jerusalem Composite) caused catastrophic destruction to the Gasha area with the Harbin War and it is difficult to repair it.The United Nations said that after Israel's military operation in Gasha, it is expected that as many as 37 million metric tons of ruins will remain to be cleaned up, and the unbiased ammunition buried in the ruins will make the cleaning project more complicated.

Lomahamar, a senior official of the UN Local League Action Action Action, said at a press conference in Geneva, Switzerland in Geneva, Switzerland that the war in Gaza, a densely urbanized area, left countless buildingsIt takes a long time to clean up.

He said: "If you use 100 trucks to remove the ruins of Gaza, it takes 14 years to complete the task."

There are still many unblied ammunition in Gaza. As for how much it is, it is unclear.However, Lordhamar said that in general, at least 10 % of the launch of ammunition has not been detonated.

After the outbreak of the Harbin conflict in October last year, Israeli continued to bomb violently against the Gaza area, forcing most residents to displacement and facing the risk of hunger and infection.The United Nations has warned that Gaza was severely damaged and the humanitarian crisis deteriorated, and it was almost impossible to live.

A new round of ceasefire negotiations started

Israeli media reported recently that Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu has approved an action plan for attacking Gaza City Lafaya, and is expected to launch an ground offensive soon.However, the international community is still striving to return to the negotiating table by Harbin.The Egyptian delegation arrived in Israel on Friday and tried to restart the negotiation of Gaza ceasefire in the deadlock.

Some Israeli media quoted anonymous officials that the Cabinet in Israel had discussed a new plan for suspension and release hostages before the Egyptian delegation arrived.

Hamasa, deputy head of the Hamasa area in Qatar, issued a statement saying that Israel has officially responded to Hamas's latest ceasefire suggestion. Hamas will make a reply after researchEssenceHamas submitted a ceasefire suggestion to the media in Egypt and the Katal mediation party on the 13th this month.

An official who is familiar with the negotiations revealed that Israel has not made new suggestions, but it shows the willingness to consider the limited rest war; Hamas is going to release 33 hostages, not the 40 people mentioned earlier.

The White House National Security Counselor Sha Liwen said that he saw new hope in the negotiations.In an interview with Microsoft Broadcasting Corporation (MSNBC), he said: "I believe Qatar, Egypt, and Israel are trying to find a way forward. I believe that these hostages will have new motivations and bring a new start."

The Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Brlan, revealed at a press conference at the Saudi Arabian capital of Liade, that During the forum meeting at Lyader on Sunday, Palestinian President Abbas, US Secretary of State Brillin, Prime Minister of Qatar Mohammed, Saudi Foreign Minister Fisa SaisaEgyptia and Egyptian Foreign Minister Shu Kaili will conduct consultations on Gaza, hoping to promote the process of reconciliation and peace.

Egypt, Qatar, and the United States have been trying to promote the Gaza ceasefire agreement since November last year, but it has not succeeded.

Israel refuses to stop permanently, and Hamas insists that any agreement must include the end of the war.Israel is estimated to have 129 hostages in Hamas, 34 of which have been killed.