The anti -Harbin war demonstrations of many universities in the United States have been upgraded. In order to prevent the safety crisis of campus outbreaks, some Ivy League schools have strengthened control measures and adopted online teaching or asked police to arrest protesters.

Scholars interviewed said that the Bayeng government is striving to achieve a balance between supporting Israeli policy and eased protests, but if the situation worsen further, it does not rule out that more measures will take more measures for demonstrators, although this will be for the presidentBiden's re -election in November has affected.

In order to ease and suppress the anti -Semitic wave on the campus, the University of Columbia on the east coast announced on Monday (April 22) to announce the change of lectures on online;At least 47 protesters were arrested for refusing to leave the camp.Hundreds of students started to protest at the University of California on the West Coast.

These pro -Palestinian protesters require the school to cut off the economic relations with Israel and cut off academic programs funded by Israeli enterprises or donors.However, the school adopted a tougher attitude to ask the police to arrest demonstrators and restrict students' activities to avoid crowd gathering and suspending pro -Palestine related activities.

The US Police started on the campus of New York University on the evening of the 22nd, detained more than 130 demonstrators.The school said that many outside schools joined the demonstration and broke through the fence set up by the school, so they decided to call the police.Police also arrested more than 100 people at the demonstration at Columbia University on Thursday (18th).

Outside Colombia, the Barlstan demonstrators held a banner of "Israel's killing 14,000 children" on Monday to protest the military operations of Israel in Gaza.A large number of policemen were present.(Agence France -Presse)
In order to prevent students from gathering demonstrations, from last week, Harvard University began to restrict personnel into Harvard Square and suspended activities on campus to carry out pro-Palestinian related activities.Essence(Agence France -Presse)

President Shafik said in a public letter sent to the students on Monday: "In the past few days, there were too many incidents of intimidation and harassment (Jewish students) on the campus ... Anti -Jewish language, and any others used forLike the language of injury and intimidation, it is unacceptable, we will take appropriate action. "

Scholars: It is difficult to reverse the United States' policies

Liu Weidong, a researcher at the American Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, analyzed in an interview with the joint morning newspaper reporter that as early as the early days of the Harbin conflict, sporadic protests broke out on the American campus, but they were eventually calmed down.A new round of demonstration broke out, with the United States last Thursday (April 18) to veto Palestine as a formal member of the United Nations, and the House of Representatives approved military assistance to Israel with $ 13 billion (about S $ 17.7 billion) last Saturday.related.

Liu Weidong judged: "If the protest wave continues to spill, it will not be ruled out that Washington will be targeted, although this will make Biden lose the support of ethnic minorities, which is very unfavorable to his election.To further upgrade, it is difficult to reverse the current Israel policy of Washington.

There are also many protests in New York University who camp in the school. Some people conflict with the police for refusing to leave the camp and were arrested.Video on social media showed that the police demolished these tents.(Agence France -Presse)
In addition to universities on the East Coast, the Berkeley Branch on the West Coast also occurred on Tuesday.(Agence France -Presse)

John Donaldson, an associate professor of Politics of Singapore Management University, also held the same point of view, and bluntly stated that Biden was "powerless."

Du Qiang said to Lianhe Zaobao: "In the Israeli policy, Biden was under pressure from the left and right wings, and he could not give up support for Israel. Biden had been a gentle school because of criticism (Israeli Prime Minister) Neihuhu.When people pressure it, he cannot control Neutana, so he has no power. "

It is unclear whether the wave of protests will evolve into a student movement that spreads, but Wang Yong, a professor at the School of International Relations and Director of the American Research Center of Peking University, analyzed to the United Zaobao that if the demonstration activities worsen, the event may eventually forcedThe Biden government comes to control and does not rule out that the bleeding incident will occur, and even evolve into a student's protest movement on the government, which will greatly affect Biden's election.

Liu Weidong pointed out that next, we must continue to pay attention to whether this campus demonstration will spread on the west coast on a large scale and become another fuse of split American society.In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to whether protests will spill on European campuses and put pressure on the Middle East policy of European countries.Du Qiang shows that a major controversy is whether the demonstration of students should be identified as anti -Jewish, and it is also difficult to achieve a balance between university campuses to be balanced between defending freedom of speech and curbing hatred.In addition, Biden faced the dilemma of Israel's dilemma in the face of neither loss of voters.Both balances are not very smooth.

Du Qiang said: "I expect Biden to give a speech to respond to this incident ... A speech cannot solve the problem, but I think he needs to speak as soon as possible."

A protesters from Harvard University and MIT of Barlstan, on Monday (April 22) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.(Agence France -Presse)