(Kiev Composite Electric) Ukraine President Zeleiski said that the United States provided Ukraine with a long -range Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS).

He said that after reaching a number of ten -year security agreements with other NATO countries, Kiev and Washington have begun negotiations on the "truly model" security agreement.He also said that Ukraine will get a long time of Atacms.

Zelei Sky Monday (April 22) said in a night speech: "All details of providing ATACMS protocols for Ukraine have been in place."

Warner, chairman of the American Senate Intelligence Committee, revealed in a TV program earlier that ATACMS is one of the military reserves that will be shipped to Ukraine this week.The maximum range of this series of long -range missiles is about 300 kilometers. Last year, it was delivered to Ukraine for the first time to enhance Kiev's combat capabilities.

In terms of war, the Russian army's air strike on Halkov, Ukraine's second largest city on Monday, led a 245 -meter -high television tower to be blown up.Zerrenzki has been urging countries to help Kiev to obtain remote weapons and air defense systems needed to reverse the situation.

Budhov, the head of the Ukrainian military intelligence department, told the BBC Ukrainian channel: "We believe that eastern Ukraine will face a very difficult situation soon." He said that the struggle will increase, especially from mid -May.

British Prime Minister Suonak's visit to Poland on Tuesday (23rd) will announce that the military aid against Ukraine will increase 500 million pounds (about S $ 800 million), while providing more "Storm Shadow" cruise missilesEssenceHe also warned that countries must assist in defeating Russia to prevent the Russian army from further advance to Europe.

However, the EU Foreign Minister Conference on Monday only stated that it is studying how to provide more air defense systems to Ukraine, but there is no specific commitment to Kiev the Patriot missile defense system that Kiev wants the European Union most.