(Tehran / Jerusalem Comprehensive Electric) Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullah will fade to dilute the attack on Friday (April 19), the central city of Iran."" ".He refused to admit that the attack was done by Israel, and even pointed out that it was not an attack, but he severely warned Israel not to attack Iran.

Abdullahiyang said in an interview with the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) on Saturday (20th): "What happened last night was not an attack. They were more like our children's toys, not drones.He said that there is no evidence that these drones are related to Israel, and Iran is investigating.

Abdullahyan shows that Iran does not intend to respond unless Israel launched a large -scale attack."If Israel retaliates and adopts a new adventureist act, then we will respond. If Israel does not have this behavior, then we will do it, everything is here."

He warns that if Israel has taken major actions against Iran, Iran will immediately respond to the greatest extent to make Israel regret it.

Iran conducted an unprecedented direct attack on Israel on April 13, saying that it was to retaliate against Israel attack the Iranian consulate in Syria on the 1st.Iranian media reported that Isfahan exploded on Friday, and the air defense system intercepted three drones. This "" penetration "incident did not cause significant damage.

Iran Israel Avoid the expansion of conflicts

The Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) quoted anonymous U.S. officials that Israel launched three missiles at a air defense radar station near Isefhan and hit the target.The official also said that the blow aims to show it to Iran that Israel has the ability to combat it, but does not seek to upgrade the situation.

According to the Israeli public broadcasting company KAN, the attack uses the air -to -earth "The Rampage" missile developed by Israel. This missile is 4.7 meters long and can fly rapidly with supersonic.System detection and interception.The New York Times report also said that the attack used high -tech missiles that could avoid the detection of Iranian radar system.

Israel has not publicly acknowledged the attack on Iran, and Iran also tried to dilute the impact of the attack, showing that both sides seemed to want to avoid a large -scale conflict.

On the other hand, Iranian allies Lebanon Allah said on Saturday that Israel attacked a house in southern Lebanese that day and killed three Allah soldiers.As a revenge, the Allah attacked two buildings used by the army in northern Israel.

At the same time, the west bank of the Jordan River continues.The Palestinian Red Crescent said on Saturday that the Israeli Kujin Camp of Nur Shams on the west bank of the Jordan River launched an assault operation and killed at least 14 Palestinians.This is one of the largest local deaths in the past few months.

Abbas: Will not follow the US vision or regional agenda

Palestinian President Abbas said on Saturday that because the United States recently rejected Palestine's application for the United Nations, Palestinian power institutions will rethink relations with the United States.

He said in an interview with the Wagahagan that Palestine's leadership will formulate a new strategy to independently protect Palestine's decision and follow Palestine's agenda instead of following the US vision or regional agenda.

Abbas accused the United States of continuing to support Israel and refused to force it to stop the racial extinction war in Gaza. The US position has triggered the unprecedented anger of the people of Palestine and the Middle East.Essence