Any leader has no so -called ideal timing, but economists and economists believe that Singapore's current overall economic and fiscal situation provides favorable conditions for the Bangbang.

However, based on the current increasingly differentiated world, maintaining a constructive relationship with neighboring countries and superpowers will be a huge challenge facing the deputy prime minister and the financial minister Huang Xuncai.

Chen Enterprise, Chairman of the Singapore Pacific Economic Cooperation Council, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post on Monday (April 15) that if Huang Xuncai was commissioned by the people in the next electionGet.

"Huang Xuncai and the fourth -generation leadership team steadily led Singapore to defeat the crown disease, and won very beautiful, which proves that Huang Xuncai is executable. But after taking office, he must have a forward -looking development in Singapore's future development and proposal to propose forward -looking.Opinion. Chen Enterprise pointed out that Singapore's economic growth this year will be better than last year, and it is estimated that it is also one of the considerations for considering a stick."If Singapore's economy is unsatisfactory, or when the economy is very sluggish, it is not responsible for throwing the problem to the next Prime Minister."

According to official forecasts, Singapore's economic growth will grow by 1 % to 3 % this year.Singapore's economy grew by 1.1 % last year.

However, two days before Singapore Prime Minister Li Xianlong announced the date of the pace, Iran attacked Israel, which worsened the intense geopolitical situation.Faced with such a turbulent time, it was announced whether it was a good time to make a stick?

Cai Xuemin, an economist of Bank of Malayan, believes that leaders have never had an ideal time.In an interview, he pointed out that Singapore is relatively safe in the crown disease epidemic, and the economy has developed at a normal speed. It is estimated that it can exceed 2 % this year.

Moreover, Singapore's core inflation rate has fallen sharply from the highest value, and it is expected to fall to less than 2 % next year.

Cai Xuemin said: "The consumption tax for cautiously should be raised by 2 percentage points, the task has been completed, and Singapore's finances are more stable. From the perspective of the overall economic and financial situation, it is now good for the stick."

Economist: The new team of geopolitical existence is ready

Song Shengwen, Economic Consultant of Singapore, China Galaxy Securities, also said in an interview: "There is no better time to declare a stick than now, the epidemic has ended, and the new leadership team has proved that they have the ability to deal with challenges. Geographic politics is a risk that has always existed.And more importantly, the new team is ready. "

Song Shengwen believes that compared with Li Xianlong's succession, the Singapore economy is still in a period of high -speed growth, and Huang Xuncai faces a mature economy."The growth of 1 % to 3 % per year is the next new normal. Therefore, Singapore's economic growth requires different driving force."

Lin Xiuxin, the chief economist of Overseas Chinese Bank, pointed out in an interview that although the geopolitical situation is still full of challenges, the continuity of national policy is the top priority of Huang Xuncai.For example, the "Forward Singapore" movement that has already begun.

Cai Xuemin also expects that the new leadership team will continue to grow in economic growth and ensure that the people can share between economic fruits to achieve balance.That is, while creating employment opportunities for Singaporeans, reducing social inequality, relieving anxiety in many other democratic society, and risk of rising risks of extreme factions.

to maintain a constructive relationship with neighboring countries and great powers will be a huge challenge after taking office

As for the external environment, Cai Xuemin said: "In a increasingly differentiated world, maintaining a constructive relationship with neighboring countries and super powers will be a huge challenge that Huang Xuncai takes office."

Chen Enterprise also said that large powers adopt protectiveism. As a small and open economy, Singapore is a profitable person in globalization. How should I come down?

"As the future Prime Minister of Singapore, Huang Xuncai must see a global pattern ... And, Singapore plays an important role in Asia in Asia, and many policies are ahead. If Singapore cannot show our forward -looking in front of other Asiakeeous members,How can I deal with them "