(Honiala Comprehensive Television) China's influence has become a hot issue for the Solomon Islands election.Candidates who intend to compete for the prime minister have stated that they will re -review the security agreement signed by the current government and China.

The Solomon Islands will hold a general election on Wednesday (April 17).In an exclusive interview with AFP, Daniel Suidani, the former governor of Malaita, said that China ’s increasing control over Solomon is shocking, which may further consolidate Beijing in the Pacific regionFoundation.

Sudani was disturbed by many affairs in Solomon in Solomon in the past five years, and accused the Chinese interest groups in operation behind the scenes, and assisted Beijing members to stay in Solomon Parliament.

The Solomon Islands has strengthened relations with China in recent years. The Alliance government led by Prime Minister Sogovre (69 years old) signed a security agreement with China in 2022, causing the attention of the United States and Australia.

In the five years of Sagara's administration, the Solomon Islands received a large number of Chinese aid and investment.Sogovre vowed to further deepen relations with China if he was successfully re -elected.

The population of the Solomon Islands is about 700,000, which is one of the poorest countries in the Pacific. It relies heavily on partners such as Australia and China to provide development assistance and support.

Two candidates who consider the Prime Minister of the Campaign, co -party leader Peter Kenilorea and Solomon Islands Rural Development Party Leader Gordon Darcy Lilo stated that if they were elected, they would be elected, they would be elected, they would be elected.Requires a controversial security agreement signed with China.

Kennillery said he would seek development relations with Taiwan and Beijing at the same time, and would have more contacts with traditional partners, including Australia, including Australia.

In Solomon Islands, after voting voted for members of Congress, candidates who intend to strive for the Prime Minister will try to form a ruling alliance, and then vote for the new prime minister by members.