A lawyer of a Chinese journalist on Monday (April 8) said that Swedish officials have ordered a deportation of a Chinese journalist to accuse her of serious threat to national security.

Reuters reported that lawyer Cardia said that the 57 -year -old Chinese woman had lived in Sweden for nearly 20 years, and she denied all charges.

Cardia did not disclose the woman's name, nor did she disclose whether she had left.He said he could not disclose the details of the allegations because it involved national security and was official secrets.

"Security police argued that it can be assumed that my parties may constitute serious security threats. This evaluation has been consent from the immigration bureau, immigration court and government."

Swedish TV did not disclose the details of the allegations, but said without the source of the news that the woman published an article on her website and received a payment related to reporting from the Chinese Embassy in Stockholm.She also received Chinese officials and business delegations visiting Sweden, and sought to arrange a meeting with Swedish officials.

TV station said that the woman was detained last October and the Swedish Immigration Department decided to expel her shortly after. The Immigration Court later maintained the ruling.The government also maintained the court's ruling last week.

A spokesman for the Swedish security department refused to comment on the specific cases, but said: "The mission of protecting Sweden and democracy in the security department includes prevent non -Swedish citizens and people who are considered to pose a threat to Sweden to live in Sweden."

The Swedish security department said in February that China, Russia, and Iran have the greatest security risks to the country.