(Brussels/Washington/Guangzhou Comprehensive) The United States warns European allies that China is deepening its support for the Russian military industry. The aid provided by China not only helps Russia's war on Ukraine, but also pose a threat to other countries.

The Financial Times quoted three insiders, saying that U.S. Secretary of State Broskens warned at a meeting held by the European Union and NATO foreign ministers this week that Beijing is providing assistance to Moscow with a "worry -free scale".Suggestions and technical expertise.

Brinken mentioned that the aid provided by China is mainly concentrated in the production of Russian optical equipment and pushing agents, as well as in the space field.He said that these aids "not only help Russia's aggression in Ukraine, but also threatened other countries."

When Bollingken asked European allies to hold bilateral talks with China, they directly showed their concerns to China to openly talk about China -Russia deepening cooperation, and at the same time took appropriate actions for entities and companies that support Russia's industry.

The person familiar with the matter revealed that Blingken mentioned the concerns of China in every meeting held by NATO and NATO foreign ministers on Wednesday (April 3) and NATO Foreign Minister.The insider said that Brins' warnings are clear, and those present can feel the transformation of the United States. The United States clearly says that China ’s support for the Russian military industry is a“ new development ”.

Yellen: Help Russia Chinese Enterprises face "serious consequences"

U.S. Treasury Minister Yellen, the US Treasury, warned that if Chinese companies are found to support Russia's military operations in Ukraine, they will have to bear the consequences.

According to a statement issued by the US Ministry of Finance, Yellen emphasized that companies, including Chinese companies, cannot provide substantial support for Russia to attack Ukraine, including supporting the Russian military industry, otherwise they will face serious consequences.

Yellen said: "We clearly tell the Chinese side that the supply of materials in China will benefit Russia from it."

Despite multiple rounds of sanctions in the West, Russia can still maintain economic operation and enhance the production capacity of the military industry.Iran directly supplies military supplies to Russia.Russia has significantly improved weapons production capacity, especially artillery, missiles, and suicide attack drones.