(London News) The Financial Times quoted people familiar with the matter that the US, the United Kingdom, and Australia's three national defense prosecutors will announce on Monday (April 8) that new members will be introduced to the AUKUS security partnership (AUKUS).It is reported that the United States is striving to let Japan join in order to further deter China.

It is reported that the AUKUS expansion plan involves only the so -called second pillar, that is, to promote advanced capability technology projects, accelerate the coordinated development of key technologies such as hypersonic capacity, artificial intelligence (AI), and be applied to military.The Three Kingdoms did not intend to expand the first pillar of AUKUS, that is, the US nuclear submarine with conventional weapons in Australia, Australia, non -eccentric countries, and built the next generation of nuclear submarines by Britain and Australia.

AUKUS signed in 2021 is one of the efforts to curb China's growing military strength to curb China's growing military strength in the Pacific.China criticized this agreement to danger and warn that this might trigger the regional arms competition.

Reports pointed out that when the historic military construction is launched in China, and the territorial claims are increasingly tough, US President Biden is seeking to strengthen partnership with Asian allies such as Japan and the Philippines.

Reuters quoted a senior American official on Wednesday (3rd) that the announcement of Japan's participation AUKUS may be released one week in the future, but no details were disclosed.The US Ambassador to Japan, Emmanuel, published on the same day of the Wall Street Journal, stating that Japan "is about to become the first new member of the second pillar."

Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tianshiong visited the United States for a week on Monday.Sources said that Kishida and Bayidon are expected to discuss Japan's joining AUKUS.However, it is reported that Australia has launched a cautious attitude towards new projects before making more progress in nuclear submarines.

Australian Australian Defense Minister Marce spokesman said that Mars had previously made public and stated to Japan that Australia seeks to allow close partners to participate in the second pillar of AUKUS.The spokesman said: "Japan is an indispensable defense partner in Australia. Any issue about more countries involved in the second pillar project of the AUKUS will be decided and announced by three member states."

The United States used to say that there will be a joint development of other European and Asian countries to join the second pillar of Aukus.U.S. officials have revealed that the three countries have been discussing this issue for many months, and an important indicator is what countries can contribute to the second pillar.

Experts: Japan also needs to strengthen network defense to formulate stricter confidential regulations

Officials and experts pointed out that although the United States is eager to let Japan join, because Japan must strengthen network defense and formulate stricter confidentiality regulations, obstacles still exist.

Campbell, Deputy Secretary of State of the United States, said on Wednesday that the United States is encouraging Japan to take more measures to protect intellectual property rights and investigate officials' responsibility in confidentiality.

Campbell also revealed that some countries have expressed their intention to participate in AUKUS and may be announced next week.He also said that Aukus's submarine project will help prevent any actions in mainland China against Taiwan.

Kishida Wenxiong's visit to the United States this time, after the trip to the United States, the former US Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2015, the Japanese Prime Minister officially visited the United States with the treatment of the United States again.The bank's trip aims to "show the world's close cooperation and firm Japan -US alliance to the world", and hopes to confirm the opportunity to cooperate in widespread fields such as security, cutting -edge technology, and supply chain enhancement.

Kishida and Biden will hold a joint press conference on Wednesday (10th), and will hold a three -sided summit with the Philippine President President Macos on Thursday.