The Philippine President President Macs called on China to make a conversation to prevent more events in the South China Sea and the use of high -pressure water guns.

Reuters reported that Matscas said on Monday (April 8) that the Philippines will continue to talk to China, and they are trying to seek all options to directly talk to Chinese leaders to avoid intensifying the tensions of the South China Sea.Essence

Magakus also talked about the joint military exercise in the South China Sea on the 7th of the Philippines, and he hoped that this military exercise would help reduce the dispute between the Philippines and China in the dispute in the disputed waters.The joint training was positioned as the first "maritime cooperation event" of the four countries, and a total of five warships participated in the exercise.

The Chinese Embassy in Manila did not immediately respond to the request of the comment.

The leaders of the United States, Japan and the Philippines will hold a summit in Washington this week to discuss issues such as recent incidents in the South China Sea.