(Washington / Tokyo Composite Electric) U.S. senior officials revealed that when President Bayeng held a summit with the Japanese Prime Minister Kishida and Philippines President Konatsu Magis this week, President Bayeng will issue a behavior of China in China in the South China Sea.warn.

The British Financial Times cited two U.S. officials on Monday (April 8th) that Biden would express the situation around the SECOND Thomas Shoal (China called Renai Reef and the Philippines)Serious concerns, it will emphasize that the US -Philippine defense treaty is applicable to the Sierra Madre landing ship stationed in the second Thomas Reef.

In 1999, the Philippines stranded the Madre Mountains in the second Thomas reef and sent troops for 25 years.China and the Philippines have recently conflicts many times in the South China Sea. The Chinese Maritime Police has used high -pressure water cannons to prevent the Philippines from transporting the landing ship's troops.

U.S. officials: The possibility of an underestimation of the situation in China

One of the officials said: "China underestimates the possibility of upgrading the situation. We (the United States) tries to clarify this through a series of dialogue ... Our joint defense treaty covers the Philippine navy personnel and ships, and further expandsTo the Madele Mountains, China must be examined, otherwise it will face the risk of serious counterattacks. "

Bayeng's talk with China last week, he emphasized that maintaining the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait and the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea in the South China Sea.

Another source revealed that the U.S. Indo -Pacific Command Commander of the Pacific Command of the U.S. Pacific Command, Admiral Aquilino, has recently issued similar warnings to the Chinese retired officer delegation and former Chinese ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai.The Biden government also conveyed similar information to Beijing through retired US officials.

U.S. officials said that the United States is cautious about the "red line"."If you draw a red line for China, they will take all the actions within the scope of the red line."

Bonnie Glaser, director of the Indo -Pacific Plan of the German Marshall Foundation, analyzed: "The biggest risk of direct military confrontation between China and the United States today is the second Thomas reef.It is forced to respond, and then there will be a major political crisis in China and the United States.

Dennis Wilder, the former president of the former US National Security Council and senior director of East Asian affairs, believes that Beijing wants to test the United States to the Philippine Navy that will drive China to the Madre Mountains and destroy the landing ship as a reaction.He speculated that China may want to build a military outpost in this coral reef.

The United States announced a significant upgrade of defense relationship

According to Agence France -Presse, at the US -Japan -Philippine summit held on Thursday (11th), the United States may announce a joint maritime patrol with the Philippines in the South China Sea where the Philippines is controversial.

The United States and Japan may also upgrade their defense relationships sharply.Biden and Kishida are expected to be upgraded to the United States and Japan's military command mechanism for decades to upgrade for decades, and agree to allow large US warships to repair in Japan's private shipyards and jointly produce national defense equipment.

Other issues in the three -party talks also include ensuring the supply of semiconductors and rare metals, North Korea issues, and the acquisition of US steel companies.