(Jerusalem Comprehensive Electric) The overflow risks of the conflict of Jiasha have further increased.The Israeli Army launched an air strike on Monday (April 8) to kill a battlefield commander in the Lebanese Albon.The United Nations called for stopping the fire.

The Army said that several fighters were sent on Monday, an air strike in a village in Lebanon, and killed a head commander in charge of planning and executing the Allah Elite Force of Israel.

Just the day before (7th), the Israeli military issued a statement on the official website that the Military Northern Command has completed the preparation of the Lebanon front line.EssenceThe Lebanon -Lords supported by Israel and Iran have been on fire for several months.

Israeli National Defense Minister Garrant said Israel has prepared for any situation that Iran may occur.

Earlier Sunday, Israel of Israel claims to launch an air strike from the Gelan Highlands in northern Israel to destroy a facility of the Radwan Force of the Lord of the Lord, as well as a military command center in northeast of the coastal city of Lebanese city.Essence

Expert: Isaidi Wars or Unavoidable

Emmanuel Navon, a professor of politics at Tel Aviv University, told AFP: "((Lebanon) the war at the northern border of the northern part of the border may not be avoided."

But Israeli security expert Omer Dostri believes that before the end of Gaza's ground battle, the ground war is unlikely to erupt between Li.The last war of the Lord of Lebanon and Israel was in 2006.

After the Iranian embassy in Syria was attacked on Monday (1st), Iran and Lebanon Allah vowed to punish Israel.

Israeli Defense Secretary Garant's office issued a statement on Sunday saying that Garant determined that the Israeli defense system was ready to deal with any situation that Iran had occurred after evaluating the senior generals of the Israeli National Defense Force.

Sava, the military adviser of Hamenei, the highest leader of Iran, warned that Israel's embassies around the world are no longer safe after Israel attacked the Iranian embassy in the Syrian embassy.On the same day, Iran's semi -official student news agency (ISNA) released a chart to list nine different types of Iranian missiles, which are said to be able to crack down on Israel.

In this regard, the Chief of Staff of the Israeli Army Hallevi said Israel "know how to deal with Iran" whether it is offensive or defensive.Harlervi said in a TV speech: "We know how to take strong action against Iran in the distance and from afar. We are working with strategic partners in the United States and regions."

American and Israeli officials believe that Iran launches revenge and attack "inevitable", and both countries are preparing for this.

When Aman Foreign Minister Bosidi received an Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahoyan, which was visited on Sunday, he urged Iran and Israel to cool down the situation.

Abdullahiyan vowed again when Oman officials met again, and will start retaliation for Israeli air strikes in the Iranian Embassy in Syria.He said that Iran "will use the rights they should use within the international law framework, account for liability and punish them with criminals."

Abdullahiyan also criticized the United States, Britain, and France against the United Nations Security Council to condemn Israel to attack the Iranian embassy.