(Cairo / Jerusalem Comprehensive Electric) Egyptian sources revealed that with the progress of the Harbin -Harbon -ceiling negotiations, all parties have reached an agreement on the basic points and are expected to finalize the agreement.However, both Israel and Hamas officials have denied that the negotiations have made progress.

Al-Qahera News on Monday (April 8) quoted senior Egyptian officials to report that a new round of negotiations held by Cairo "made significant progress on several controversial agreements."Officials also said that the delegations of Qatar and Hamas have left Cairo and are expected to return within two days to finalize the terms of the agreement; the United States and Israel will also leave in the next few hours.Continue to consult.

However, after the Israeli news website YNET quoted an Israeli official, "We haven't seen the signs of the agreement that will be reached.

A senior Hamas official told Lebanon Square TV (Al Mayadeen) that the negotiations have not made progress and blamed the negotiation deadlock on Israel.Reuters also quoted anonymous Hamas officials: "The position of occupation (Israel) has not changed, so Cairo negotiations have not developed new development."

This round of Cairo negotiations started from Sunday (7th). Israeli officials expressed their prudential optimism on the negotiations to achieve breakthroughs.Israeli Foreign Minister Kazda described that this is a time that Hamas has reached an agreement as the closest to Harbin in November last November.He told Israeli Army Radio on Monday: "We have come to the critical moment of negotiations. If successful, there will be many hostages to go home."

Israeli Defense Minister Garrant also said that the timing of bringing Israel's hostage back has matured, but Israel must make difficult decisions.He said to the recruits on Monday: "I believe we are in a favorable opportunity for (rescue the hostage), but this requires the other party to agree. After that, we will return to the battlefield and complete everything we have to do." It is reported that the United States has proposed a new draft of the Harbon Fire Agreement Sunday.Foreign sources revealed that both sides showed greater flexibility than before, and "the pressure on the United States is very important for the agreement to promote the agreement."

Hamas requires that any agreement with Israel must include the end of the war, the forced army to withdraw from Gasha, and the clause to return the Palestinian civilians who are displaced to return to the northern part of Gasha.Israel insists on the war in Gaza until the destroy of Hamas, but it does not rule out that some civilians are allowed to return to the north of Gaza.

At present, Israeli leaders still plan to launch military operations on Lafa, a southern city of Gaza.Garrant said on Sunday that the Israeli army withdrew from the southern part of Gaza that day to prepare for future tasks, including the ground operation in Lafa.

The Chief of Staff of the Israeli National Defense Army Hallevi also said: "The Gaza War is still continuing, we are far from stopping."

The Army announced on Sunday that it ended the task of Khanis in the southern Gaza city and evacuated.Hamas later warned that if Israeli entered the Gaza Strip, Hamas soldiers will aim at them.

Security experts: Israeli will take action against Lata within two months

Israeli security expert Omer Dostri predicts that as more displaced Palestinians return to Khanis from Rafa who is full of people, Israel will take action against La Fa within two months to eliminate the destroyThe remaining Hamas battle tour.

After the Evil was withdrawn on Sunday, some civilians immediately returned to Khan Yunnis, but found that none of the buildings in their eyes were intact, and the entire city was filled with the breath of death.

The 38 -year -old Palestinian woman Terr told AFP: "Our city no longer exists -only rubble is left. I really have nothing. I walk on the street and can't help crying ...And the smell ... I saw people dig and lift the body. "

Nevertheless, Terr still intends to move back to the Khanis apartment that originally lived.She said that although it was seriously damaged and not suitable for living, it was better than sleeping tents.Some of her neighbors' houses were destroyed and now there is nowhere to go.