Israel's violent attack on the Gaza area has led to the death of the staff of the charity organization "World Central Kitchen", causing severe attacks in the international community, and the United States has attracted much attention to Israel's position.Does the United States really want to contain Israel, or just continue to maintain ambiguous practices to resolve international pressure?Analysis believes that Israel's hard stance has indeed annoyed the United States.

James Dorsey, a senior researcher, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the United States has increasingly increasing in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post.href = "" rel = nofollow target = _Blank> Seven rescue personnel in the world's central kitchen are killed in Israeli air strikes to go further.Deepen dissatisfaction.

"Although Israel responded, including starting to actively participate in the ceasefire negotiations, it has also taken some measures to strengthen the protection of rescue personnel and civilians, but whether these are enough to calm the dissatisfaction of Bayen still have to be observed."

Senior Researcher Doisi, a senior researcher at the Nanda Razel South International Research Institute, believes that despite the dissatisfaction of Israel, the allies in the United States and Israel are still stable.(Provided by the respondent)

Analysis of the New York Times said that Biden has never disclosed to break with Israel's Prime Minister Neyahu because he thinks it will only make Neutana more difficult to deal with.However, Biden was criticized by the Democratic Party's gentle faction.

Critics pointed out that Bynden now shows such a tough attitude towards Israel, because most of the seven victims of the world's central kitchen are Westerners. When he involved the Palestinian casualties, he did not feel this way.

The Palestinian -the director of the Israeli project Munaer, the director of the Arabian center of the United States Research Agency, said: "This is the strongest term that Biden expressed, but it is worth noting that he only revealed it when involving Western assistants when he involved in Western aidersOf course, this emotion is unacceptable. We have seen such attacks many times before, but the White House does not seem to be angry about it.

The start of the US domestic public opinion began to turn

The waves against Israel in the United States have become increasingly loud, and even the Democratic Party has many members of parliament calling on Biden to reduce military assistance to Israel.

Duoxi said that the U.S. people's views on the conflict of the Harbin have changed. After the outbreak of the Harbin conflict in October last year, it was slightly more than half of the Americans supported the Israeli war. It is now slightly more than half of the Americans opposed the war.

He pointed out that Israel and Palestine are fighting in two fields of military and public opinion. If Israel does not change his policy for Palestine, it will definitely lose its support for international public opinion.

Nevertheless, Domi believes that the ally relationship of the United States is still stable."The continuity of the United States and the Alliance Relations is beyond doubt. Biden has also stated to Negamhu. The key to the tension between the two parties now is that Israel has not obviously complied with the US requirements."

Dr. Mustafa Izzuddin, a researcher at the National University of Singapore, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the American people's perception of Israel was half -giving out because the humanitarian disaster of Gaza made Americans increasingly dissatisfied with Israel's behavior."The Bayeng government is facing the pressure of domestic people and requires pressure to stop killing Israel."

Musta also said that the United States really wants to curb Israel, because the political factors of the United States in the United States make it difficult for the Bayeng government to support Israel. "In the future, the United States will still be Israel's ally. "

Dr. Mustafa, a researcher at the National University, said the Bayeng government is facing the pressure of domestic people and demands that it will stop killing Israel.(Provided by the respondent)

Biden has a strong Israeli emotional bond

In addition, comments published by US Foreign Policy Magazine pointed out that Biden has been reluctant to use his influence to pressure Israel, mainly due to his emotional bond with Israel.

Comments: "Biden does not love his friends Neitana, but he loves the idea of ​​Israel, the people of Israel and Israel. Biden is the only US president who thinks he is part of the Israeli story."

"The interaction with the leaders of Israel for decades and the immersion in the Senate have enhanced his emotional commitment. It is believed that it is good policies and politics to be friendly to Israel.The extraordinary support for Israel since October 7 is this emotional bond.

Aaron David Miller, a researcher of the Carnegie International Peace Foundation, and Adam Israelevitz in this comment, states that even in the face of the most right -wing government in Israel, worshipThe position of boarding is to move instead of confrontation, and seek to control the tension.

Comments said that Biden believes that even if pressure is applied, it may not allow Israel to yield, because the attack launched by Hamas last October was the largest scale and bloody attack that Israel had always suffered.To ensure that the country will not encounter a terrorist attack again.Most Israelites do not care about humanitarian disasters in the Gaza area. Although the Bayeng government emphasizes that the two countries are important, the Israeli people do not think so.At least at present, Neitano's right -wing league is still intact.