The UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution on Friday (April 5), requiring Israel to take responsibility for the "war crime" and "harmful human crime" that may be committed in the Gaza Strip, and call on countries to stop providing weapons to IsraelEssence

Xinhua News Agency reported that the resolution approved by the UN Human Rights Council was submitted by Pakistan's representative of all Islamic cooperation organizations (OICs) except Albania.Among the 47 members of the Human Rights Council, 28 countries voted for votes, six countries opposed, and 13 countries abstained.China voted for votes, and the United States and Germany voted against it.

The resolution emphasizes that Israel does not do enough to reduce the damage to the Gaza Strip's civilians, and it is necessary to ensure that all acts of violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law must be held accountable.The resolution said that it was concerned about the relevant reports on serious violations of human rights and serious violations of international humanitarian law, including Palestine's "war crimes" and "harmful human crimes" in Palestine.The resolution calls on countries to "stop selling, transferring and transferring weapons, ammunition and other military equipment to Israel.

The resolution also called for "immediately ceasefire" and "immediately providing emergency humanitarian access and assistance" on the Gaza Strip.

The 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council closed on April 5 in Geneva, Switzerland.