The United States is in a high alert state, and it is prepared for Iran's attack on Israel or the United States' assets in the Middle East.

Israel launched an air strike in Syria this week that a Iranian military commander was killed. A U.S. official said on Friday (April 5) and said in an interview with the United States CNN (CNN), "We are definitely at a high levelState Pervable Status P> CNN quoted U.S. officials as saying that Iran will be retaliated against the Iranian embassy in the Malaysian Embassy in the Malaysian Embassy as soon as possible.Officials in the United States and Israel believe that Iran's attacks are "inevitable", and governments of the two countries are stepping up their preparations.

The suspected Israeli fighter bombing a five-story building of the Iranian Embassy in Syria on the 1st, Members of the Guard , including an Iranian military commander.The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Commander Salami warned that any hegemonic force could not hit Iran, and any hostile behavior against Iran would be responded.

Israel did not comment on the attack, but analysts believe that this is an upgrade of Israel's actions against Iran and its regions, which may trigger a wider range of wars between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Stand.