(Reuters in New York) The US Department of Justice's criminal cases that China Huawei misleads banks in Iran's business in Iran is expected to begin in 2026.

U.S. Assistant Prosecutor Solomon on Thursday (April 4) told the local judge Donali at a meeting held in Brooklyn, New York: "Reconstruction discussion is in an impasse.

The judge then suggested that the opening date is tentatively scheduled for January 2026.Prosecutors are expected to be trial four to six months.

Huawei was charged with criminal fraud in 2018. Prosecutors accused Huawei accusing Huawei on the Iran misleading HSBC and other banks.Iran is the Object of US sanctions.Meng Wanzhou, then Huawei's chief financial officer, was detained in Vancouver, Canada in Vancouver, Canada.

After a online hearing in 2021, Meng Wanzhou was releasedFlying from Canada to China .China then released two Canadians, and also allowed two Americans to prohibit exit to leave China.

, including Huawei suspected of stealing the commercial secrets of six American technology companies, and assisted official tracking protests during the Iranian anti -government demonstration in 2009.

Huawei's lawyer Akssel said that the defense made suggestions for the trial of the sub -trial and tried the bank fraud allegations with the business secret theft allegations.However, the prosecution has stated that it will oppose this because these allegations are interrelated.