(Washington / Jerusalem Comprehensive Electric) After the Iranian Embassy in Syria was hit by air, all parties generally predicted that Iran would take revenge.Senior U.S. officials revealed that the United States is in a high alert state to prevent Iran who may launch a major attack on the US and Israel's assets in the Middle East next week.

The United States CNN (CNN) reported on Friday (April 5th) that a senior official in the United States confirmed that the United States is currently highly alerting and will make "significant" revenge after the Iranian embassy in the Malaysian Embassy.Prepare for the attack.He also said that Iran may act as soon as next week.

The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards claimed that seven military advisers killed their lives on Monday's attack, and the Iranian government stated that the right to "take decisive response" was reserved.Officials in the United States and Israel believe that Iran launches revenge attacks "inevitable", and both countries are preparing for this.

U.S. President Bynden talked with the Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu on Thursday. The discussion content includes Iran's might launch a revenge attack.The United States believes that both officials in the United States believe that Iran may launch an attack in various ways, and the assets and personnel of the two countries may be the target of attack.

The National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) quoted two senior US officials reported that facilities in Israel, especially those related to military or intelligence, may be attacked.

CNN also reported that Iran's attack on Israel is one of the worst cases expected by the Biden government, because this will lead to the rapid upgrade of the turbulent situation in the Middle East, especially the expansion of the Harbin conflict into a wider rangeRegional conflicts, this is the situation that Biden has always avoided.

However, some diplomats and analysts point out that Iran's elite does not want a comprehensive war with Israel or the United States, because this may endanger their foundation; they tend to continue to use in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Iraq'sA proxy organization, to the United States to launch a selective tactical attack.

An anonymous Israeli diplomat confirmed to Xinhua News Agency on Friday that considering that overseas embassies may be attacked, Israel has temporarily closed about 30 embassies.He did not specifically explain which embassies, or when they will be replaced.

Israel has recently began to interfere with the global positioning system (GPS) signal of the central and Jerusalem to reduce the risk of being attacked by missiles.The military has also announced the increase of troops, including the recruitment of reserve soldiers to join the air defense forces.

On the other hand, Iran issued a written warning to the US leadership that they should not fall into the Neutana trap to avoid being hit.

Jamhidi, the deputy chief of the Political Affairs of the Iranian Presidential Palace, revealed on the Social Media X platform on Friday that the United States requested Iran not to attack US facilities.

The US State Department spokesman confirmed that he received the above -mentioned warning letter from Iran when he was questioned, but he said: "Our response is to warn Iran not to use this as an excuse to attack the US personnel and facilities./P>

An official of the State Council revealed to CNN that in a warning letter to the United States, Iran attacked the Malaysian Embassy on the United States, but it is not clear what Iran said.

After Iran's embassy in Damascus was believed to be an air attack on Israeli military aircraft on Monday, the United States soon knew that the Iranian government said that the Biden government had nothing to do with this matter and did not know that it would happen in advance.The United States also warned Iran at the time that they were not allowed to retaliate against the United States.