(New York / Moscow Comprehensive Electric) In the latest voting of the NPC Security Council for extending the term of the Expert Group of the North Korean Sanctions Committee, Russia voted for a veto vote and made the relevant resolutions not approved.This is the first 15 years since the establishment of this expert group, Russia has opposed their term of office for the first time, highlighting that the relationship between Moscow and Pyongyang has become increasingly closer.

The 15 member states of the Security Council performed on Thursday (March 28) for the extension of the extended term proposed by the United States. As a result, 13 member states voted for votes, China voted for abandoned votes, and Russia rejected it and directly blocked the motion.

After North Korea conducted a second nuclear trial in 2009, the United Nations imposed sanctions on Pyongyang and received the support of Russia and China to establish this expert group to monitor and report any activities in North Korea's violations of sanctions.In the past 15 years, this group has provided a report on the development of North Korea's nuclear military, providing an information basis for a series of international sanctions decisions of the Security Council.A few weeks ago, the group stated that it was investigating weapons transfer between Moscow and Pyongyang.

The current term of this expert group ended on April 30, but now there is a variable in the term of office.According to a number of diplomats, before the end of next month, the Security Council seemed unlikely to vote again to extend the term of office.

Russia's veto immediately attracted attacks.Karby, a spokesman for the National Security Council, said that this is a "reckless action", which further destroys important sanctions against North Korean nuclear tests and ballistic missiles.

U.S. State Department spokesman Miller even said: "All of them are to promote corruption transactions reached between Russia and North Korea."

The European Union also said that Moscow did this trying to cover up illegal weapons transactions between North Korea and Russia under the context of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea issued a statement saying that Russia's veto is an irresponsible decision.Ukraine Foreign Minister Kulbaba believes that this veto in Russia is "pleading guilty."

A spokesman for the Kremlin responded on Friday, saying that the opposition votes complied with Russia's interests.

A spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the UN's sanctions on North Korea do not help improve regional security. The purpose of the United States and its allies is to stifle North Korea, and they do not want to solve the Nuclear nuclear issue peacefully at all.The spokesman said that the Security Council can no longer use old methods for related issues on the Korean Peninsula, and there must be a new way.

Earlier, the Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Nirbianja said that the transformation of the Korean Peninsula's situation has affected the fundamental interests of Russia's national security, and pointed out that the working day of the above -mentioned expert group was increasingly controlled by Western countries.

China Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said at a regular press conference on Friday that the reasonable opinions proposed by Russia failed to be adopted. The proposal country urged to vote in the case of negotiation, and publicly "showed out" at the Security Council to publicize the "showdown"EssenceThis is not conducive to maintaining the authority of the Security Council.

He said that the current situation on the Korean Peninsula continues to be tense, and it is the only way out of political solution to sanction and pressure. Political solution is the only way out.

The United States, Japan, and South Korea have constantly accused North Korea of ​​providing ammunition for Russia to attack Ukraine in exchange for Russia's support.South Korea ’s Defense Minister Shen Yuanzheng said recently that since North Korea’ s Supreme Leader Kim Jong -un and Russian President Putin have met last September, North Korea has transported up to 7,000 container weapons to Russia.Russia provides food, raw materials, and parts for producing weapons to North Korea.