(Washington / Gasha Composite Electric) Russia's Tartas News reported on Thursday (March 28) that the warships of the Russian Pacific Fleet have crossed the Manda Strait into the Red Sea.This means that the situation in the Red Sea will be more complicated.

According to the news released by the Russian Pacific Fleet News Office, the Russian Pacific Fleet includes the missile cruiser Varyag and the frigates Marshal Shaposhnikov.The fleet performed the task according to the maritime voyage plan, reporting that the ultimate destination of the warship was not explained and the Russian dispatched ships to the Red Sea.

Earlier this month, Iran, Russia, and China held joint maritime military exercises in the Indian Ocean. Marshal Watas and Marshal Shatashikov participated.Russia claims that the exercise is related to the security of the maritime economic security, including the rescue of the vessel hijacked by the pirates.

In the past few months, the Hussean in Yemen has continued to attack ships related to Israel, the United States and the United Kingdom in the Red Sea, which forced many vessels to bypass.Sources revealed that Hussean told China and Russia earlier this month that their vessels can sail safely with the Gulf of Aden without being attacked, in exchange for political support for China and Russia in the International Security Council internationally, such as the United Nations Security Council.

Israel re -arrange the visit to the United States

On the other hand, the White House in the United States said on Wednesday that the Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu has agreed to re -arrange the Israeli delegation's visit to the United States to discuss the military operations adopted by the military in the southern Gaza.

After the United States refused to make a decision to the Security Council to stop the fire immediately, Nei Tanahu canceled a plan to meet with the Biden team to meet.The White House press secretary Jean-Pierre revealed that the two sides are trying to determine the date.

Earlier, the Israeli National Defense Minister Garrant held a talk with members of Biden Cabinet, letting Pierre said that these talks were "constructive."

The United States opposes the forces of the Israel to attack La Fa, because Laha has gathered as many as 1.5 million people, most of which are Palestinian refugees who escape the war. The United States is worried that this will further exacerbate the local humanitarian crisis.Israel believes that the United States allows the United Nations to decide and destroy the hostages of Israel and Hamas.

Lebanon news quotes Egyptian sources say that Israel plans to launch an ground offensive on the Lafa after the Eid in April, and will not be late in early May, and the offense will last for four to eight weeks.

It is reported that it is preparing to evacuate local civilians while attacking.The evacuation will notify the divided area in advance, allowing civilians to withdraw from the La Fa at the specified route at the specified route.The Israeli Army will perform ground and air monitoring to prevent Hamas elements and hijacked Israelic hostages mixed in civilians.