(Washington Composite Electric) A pre -Chinese software engineer in Google, USA suspected to secretly cooperate with two Chinese companies to steal artificial intelligence (AI) technology from Google.After the arrest, four charges of the stolen commercial secrets were charged, and each charges could be sentenced to up to $ 250,000 for 10 years.

The US Department of Justice issued a statement saying that the 38 -year -old Linwei Ding (transliteration) entered Vocational Google in 2019 and participated in the development of software that deployed in Google Supercomputing Data Center.From May 2022 to May 2023, he began uploading Google's confidential information to his personal cloud account.

The technologies he suspected of stealing include the construction module of Google Super Computer Data Center. The function of these modules is to support machine learning workloads for training and hosting large artificial intelligence models.

In June 2022, a start -up technology company named "Beijing Rong Digital Lianzhi" hired Ding Linwei as chief technician at a monthly salary of $ 14,800 (about S $ 19,780).Some time before May 2023, Ding Linwei founded his own company called "Shanghai to Futing Technology Co., Ltd.", and he became the president of the company.Ding Linwei did not reveal to Google's connection with these two companies.

He resigned from Google in December 2023, and then Google searched his online activity records, only to find that he uploaded Google's secret information to his personal cloud account without permission.

US Minister of Justice Galan said in a statement that the Ministry of Justice "will not tolerate advanced technologies that can theft of artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies that may endanger national security."

Chrustofe Lei, director of the US Federal Investigation Agency, said that Ding Linwei's arrest shows that Chinese companies have spared no effort to steal American innovation technology, which is enough to cause the United States to lose employment opportunities and cause devastating consequences to the US economy and national security.Essence