(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. Republican presidential candidate Heili retired. Democratic President Biden and former Republican President Trump immediately extended an olive branch to her supporters.Biden will also try to persuade American voters to give him a four -year term in a speech on Thursday (March 7); Trump shows that he will quickly respond to Biden's speech and challenge Biden "anytime, anywhere anytime, anywhere, anywhere, anywhere"Debate with him.

Bynden and Trump almost won the preliminary selection on Tuesday (5th).Trump's opponent Heili announced his suspension of campaign and called on Trump to win the support of his voters who did not like his voters.

In the three key battlefield preliminary elections of the three key battlefield states in Nevada, North Carolina, and Michigan, nearly 570,000 voters were selected. Although this group is small, it may be in the election with a weak advantage.It has a significant impact.

Biden issued a statement on Wednesday, praising Heili dare to tell Trump's truth, and showed that Heili's supporters "occupy a place in my campaign."

Trump wrote on his social media platform Truth Social that he defeated Heili on Tuesday and "invited all Heili supporters to join the greatest movement in American history."

Experts: The possibility of Heili supporters flowing to Biden

Trump has repeatedly used gender discrimination and racism to attack Heili, but some experts point out that the possibility of black support supporters flows to Biden.Hans Noel, an associate professor at Georgetown University Government, said: "At present, the number of people who say 'I will never vote to Trump' is very high, but in the end, most of them will still be selected as Trump.Or do not vote at all. "

Biden will explain the governing vision in the National Consultation article on Thursday, preach his governing records, and support support for the re -election of the election.Trump vowed to make a rapid response to Biden's national love text, saying that "it is important to let the country understand the truth."

He also challenged Biden to argue with him for the most vital issues of the United States and the American people."For our national interests, this is important ... I call on the debate, anywhere, anywhere!"

Although Biden and Trump have cleared the obstacles to win the party's nomination, their campaign roads are expected to be rugged.Biden's age caused concerns, and he also caused dissatisfaction with the State of the Israeli War.In addition to age, whether Trump can unite into a separatist Republican Party is also questionable.

In addition, Trump has to find more big gold owners due to the surge in legal costs and expenditures.Reuters reported that some of the former gold owners of Heili have begun to fund Trump, but some other gold owners are worried that Trump may use the campaign funds to pay the legal costs, so he would rather only use votes to support him, or put on or put on him, or put on or putQian donated to the candidate for the parliamentary seat.