After the "Super Tuesday", the situation in the US election in 2024 was further clear. The US President Biden Biden and former President Trump confronted each other almost a foregone conclusion.According to the latest news from the United States Cable Television News (CNN) and AFP, just after the Republican candidate Heili officially announced the end of the election for several hours, Trump said on the social platform on the 6th on the 6th to launch it to his opponent Bayeng.The debate challenged and the Biden campaign team responded.

On October 22, 2020, Trump and Bayeng's last presidential candidate debate held at Bellmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, from CNBC , USA

"For the interests of our country, Joe Bayeng and I debate on the most important issues of the United States and the American people, which is important," Trump posted on his social platform, "Therefore, I, I am, I, I amCall for any time and debate! "He also said that he looked forward to receiving a reply.

CNN's latest news said that the election team of Biden responded that this debate was a dialogue conducted in the "appropriate time" and urged Trump to watch the National Love Counseling speech published on the 7th of local time on the 7th local time.Essence

"I know Donald Trump is eager to get attention and strives to expand his attraction to Maga (Trump's campaign slogan 'to make the United States great again) -sThe dialogue during the time, "Michael Taylor, head of the Correspondence of Biden's campaign, said in a statement.

The "Election Entering a Comprehensive Acceleration Pier", according to the US CNN (CNN), it is called the "Super Tuesday" on March 5th.Primary election.According to a number of mainstream media estimates, the current President Biden and former President Trump won great victory and expanded their leading advantages in the party.According to US media reports, Trump ’s only competitors within the party and the former U.S. resident represented by the United Nations on behalf of Heili announced the withdrawal on the 6th local time.Analysts generally believe that after the "Super Tuesday", the situation in the US election is further clear, and the pattern of Trump and Biden's duel again has taken shape.Bloomberg said that although Biden and Trump sang all the way, behind the deep anxiety and reservations of voters hidden.As far as Biden is concerned, "his leadership has always been worrying" in the case of overseas conflict delay and serious domestic economic problems.On the Republican side, Trump is currently charged with 91 charges.In addition, he also "folded words" on the issue of ethnic minorities and immigration.