Former US President Trump and the current President Bayeng swept more than 10 states in the primaries of the "Super Tuesday".But there was no suspense in the presidential election in November.Trump's party's opponent Heili has decided to refund the election and give Trump nominated in the party.

On Tuesday (March 5th), the Republican President's primary election was held on Tuesday (March 5); the 14 states except Alaska and the overseas territory of the United States Samoa also held the primary election of the Democratic Party President.The primary election of the Valgan Democratic Party also ended on the same day.

According to US media calculations, Trump won Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Dexas and Virginia.Selected, only defeated to Heili in Vermont.

Democratic Party, Biden won all 14 states unexpectedly and won in the Elych primary election, but in the United States, Samoa defeated Jason Palmer, a well -known businessman.However, Palmer is only qualified to participate in more than 10 preliminaries. The US overseas territory has no place in the election group that finally decided to decide the presidential candidate. Therefore, this defeat will not pose a threat to Biden's campaign.

The out of the party's out -of -the -line outsiders Black Li Retreat

Huang Haitao, an associate professor of the School of Government Management of Nankai University, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that the results of the super on Tuesday showed that the situation of Bayter's representative party competing for the presidential position is very obvious.Although Heili won the Fermont Republican primaries, this only means that she has maintained the weak possibility of participating in the follow -up campaign and has a winning out of the Republican party.

Heili on Wednesday (March 6) announced the withdrawal of the election on his former Governor's South Carolina.She urged Trump, the only Republican presidential candidate for Republican Presidential Presidential Candidates, to strive to fight for the support of voters inside and outside the party, because "politics is to bring people to push a goal together instead of pushing people away."(Reuters)

Heili on Wednesday (6th) announced the withdrawal in Charleston, South Carolina.She said, "It's time for me to stop running for campaign. I said, I hope to let the American voice be heard. I do it. I don't regret it. Although I am no longer a candidate, I will not stop for meBelieve in the incident "

She did not endorse for Trump, but only expressed her hope that Trump would fight for votes of voters inside and outside the Republican Party."At the party's congress in July, Trump is likely to be nominated for the presidential candidate by the Republican Party. I congratulate him and wish him all the best. I wish all the future US presidents go well. Our country is too precious, so we can'tLet our differences split us "

So far, Trump has won 995 party votes, and Heili has 89 votes, and it takes 1215 votes to win the nomination of Republican presidential candidates.Biden has won 1497 votes, which is closer to the 1968 votes required to become a Democratic presidential candidate. The two opponents of the two partys Williamson and Philips have not yet received a vote.

Even if Heili retires, the state, which has not been held by the Republican primaries, must go to the form.After the preliminary elections of each state, the Republican and Democratic Party will hold a national congress in July and August to formally confirm the two -party presidential candidate.

Both Biden and Trump both took the firepower against each other in their wins.Trump has accused Bayon of being the worst president in American history, leading to "cities with immigrants" in the United States.Export polls from California, North Carolina and Virginia show that immigration and economy are the most concerned issues for Republican voters.

Biden once again accused Trump of threatening American democracy.He shouted to American voters: "Do we want to continue to move forward or allow Trump to drag us into the chaos, division and darkness during his administration?"

Voting data shows the obvious weakness of Trump and Biden

It can be seen from the voting data that there are obvious weaknesses in Trump and Biden. Among them, Bayeng caused some dissatisfaction with some people due to the position of the Israeli war.Trump continued to crush Heili with the support of the basic disk, but the support rate was low in the other voters needed by the presidential throne.

Anti -War Democrats had called on the preliminary voters to protest the support of the Bayeon government for Israel by votes.After the preliminary selection of the Democratic Party of Michigan's Democratic Party at the end of February, as many as 100,000 voters chose "no expression", some voters in several states were done on Tuesday. Among them, as many as 18.9%of Minnesota did not express their opinions.

Heili defeated Trump in Vermont, which has more independent voters, indicating that Trump continues to face difficulties in attracting voters other than "iron powder".Republican poll expert Whit Ayres pointed out that Trump's weaknesses among independent voters are a key factor in his loss to Biden in the 2020 election.

The national polls of the US political forecast websites are true and clearly politically, and Trump is currently leading Bayiden with two weak advantages of two percentage points.Voters who are dissatisfied with Trump and Bayeng do not necessarily support the other party, but may be selected for third -party candidates or simply not voting; in the case of the gap between the two parties, this may have a significant impact on the results of the election.