(Gazha / Cairo Composite Electric) The Ministry of Health of the Gaza Strip said that on Thursday, a rescue material collection point was at a rescue material in Gasha City. The Israeli army's arrival of the civilians who arrived in the Grain opened fire, causing at least 112 people to die and more than 750 injuries.The United Nations Secretary -General and Multi -Country Government strongly condemned the Israeli attacker without a civilian.

Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) issued a statement saying that the Israeli army "premeditated" Gaza civilians.The statement said that the evidence provided by the Ministry of Health and Witnesses of Gaza proved that the Israeli troops present shot directly to civilians.The hospital said that most of the wound wounds are on the head and upper body.

Hamas warned that the incident could lead to the failure of ceasefire and hostage release in Qatar.

According to the statement of the Ministry of Health of Gaza on Friday (March 1), since October 7, last year, Israel has killed at least 30,228 Palestinian and 71,377 injuries.

An anonymous witnesses in Gasha told AFP reporters that in Nabulsi in the western part of Gasha, thousands of people rushed to rescue trucks at that time, and Israeli soldiers fired at the crowd because "people leave the tanksToo close ".

Ashkir, who went to receive food for his family, said that he waited for about two hours. "As soon as their (rescue material truck) arrived, the occupation army fired shells and fired."

The Israeli army released aerial images surrounded by rescue trucks on February 29, saying that there are thousands of people.(Agence France -Presse)

A source from Israel acknowledged that the army did fire to the masses who "constituted security threats".

A Israeli official said two incidents occurred, hundreds of meters apart.In the first incident, dozens of people died or injured due to stepping on or injured when trying to obtain assistance materials.He said that when the truck left, the second incident occurred; because the crowd came, the army felt threatened and fired.

The Israeli military argued that thousands of Gaza people were surrounded by 38 rescue trucks.At the briefing, a spokesman for the Israeli National Defense Force, at the briefing, denied that the army was shot or fired to the masses, saying that the Israeli Army only fired many times to dispel the crowd.He said that when the number of crowds increased, the team tried to retreat, and as a result, the trampling incident caused dozens of casualties, and some of them were crushed by trucks.

Many countries in the Middle East condemn the Israeli Action

Many countries in the Middle East strongly condemned the operation of the Israeli army.Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arabian chiefs and Türkiye have accused the Israeli of non -incoming civilians in the army.UN Secretary -General Gutres issued a statement through a spokesman, which expressed strong condemnation of the incident.The statement states that the desperate civilians of the Gaza Strip need urgent help.

Qatar warned that the life of Israel's trample on the Palestinian people will trigger more violence.France, Spain, and European alliances also condemned, saying that Israeli was "unacceptable" to rescue trucks and civilians.

The UN Security Council held an emergency closed -door meeting on the afternoon of the 29th, and Algeria proposed a draft statement that expressed the "deep attention" stating, stating that the incident was "caused by the fire of the army."Palestinian's Palestinian Observer Mansur revealed after the meeting that 14 member states of the Security Council supported the statement.

The State Department of the United States says that it is collectively collecting relevant information as the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.A spokesman for the State Department said that the United States had "sought answers" to Israel."We believe that this matter must be thoroughly investigated with the new secretary of the Air Force No. 1 to Texas.

Biden: Maybe the agreement may not be reached next week

Bynden said that the United States is verifying the "two contradictory versions". He set off for visit to Texas to admit that this incident made the efforts of the mediation.The ceasefire was reached on the week, but he still said that it was "hopeful."

The White House said that Biden had called with Qatar and Egypt leaders.Egyptian President Cecil and Biden discussed the necessity of stabilizing the situation of stable Jiasha, and emphasized that the conflict should be avoided.The Presidential Palace of Egypt said in a call that Egypt strongly condemned the violations of international law with civilians as the target.

Egypt and France urged all parties to immediately reach a sustainable Gaza ceasefire.According to many Arab officials, the Arab countries led by Saudi Arabia have called on the United States and Western allies to persuade Israel and consider restarting the Palestinian founding plan.