(Sydney Comprehensive Electric) Australian Security Intelligence Organization said that a former member was recruited by a foreign regime and betrayed the country. The other party tried to obtain confidential information through senior officials of the Australian government.The son of a former Prime Minister in Australia also disclosed that a foreign intelligence personnel had come to him.

Bergis, the Security Security Director of Australia's Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO), issued an annual threat assessment report on Thursday (February 29) that foreign spy organizations successfully cultivated and recruited a former Australian politician a few years ago.

Bergis criticized the politician to betray his country, political parties, and former colleagues to promote the interests of foreign regimes. This person even proposed to include the prime minister's family into the ranks of the spy, but this was not implemented.

He revealed that the politician had hosted an overseas conference, and foreign spies were pretended to be officials, trying to recruit Australian government officials and scholars attending the meeting to join them. At that time, a scholar provided the spy with national security and national security and national security and national security and.Defense information.

He warned that foreign threats to Australia have reached the highest level over the years.He pointed out that the task of a foreign intelligence group is to target Australia, and another country is drawing the potential weakness of Australia's key infrastructure.

Bergis did not disclose the status of the national members, but only said that the person was not charged because he and the relevant espionage were no longer active.The Australian Security Intelligence Organization has confronted with this foreign spy organization, letting the other party know that their identity has been revealed.

Bergis calls this foreign spy organization as a team (A Team). They pretend to be consultants, headhunters, local officials, scholars, or think tank researchers on social platforms.Once there is a goal, the spy will try to transfer the conversation to the encrypted chat software, and may be proposed to meet abroad.

Who is the member who sells the country, causing media speculation.Former Australian Treasury Secretary Huoji called on the government to disclose the identity of the former politician, so as not to make all former politicians be discredited.He said that a former political figure on behalf of the community and the country colluded with foreign enemies, and then he was able to escape peacefully. This was too ridiculous.

After Bergis issued a report, former Australian Prime Minister Turnbull's son Alex Turnbull was interviewed by news website News.com.au on the same day that there were several suspects who were suspicious of Chinese agents in contact with him.Try to pick up information about an infrastructure project, which happened during Turnbull's administration in 2017.Ellison said that the group of agents was contacted with a former member of the Australian Labor Party, and he did not disclose the identity of the former member.

Australian Defense Minister Marce said he did not know the details of the case, but he respected the official's decision to confidential politicians.We must realize that this country has a threat of foreign spy activities. Obviously, we need to be highly vigilant about this.