(London) Dai Qi, a US trade representative, said that the trade amount of the United States and China is not necessarily a bad phenomenon.

The total amount of goods exported to each other in the world's two major economies in the world in 2023 decreased by 17%.Daiqi said in an interview with the BBC (BBC): "This is not necessarily a bad thing. This may be a positive sign, showing that both parties are diversified."

The goods imported from China decreased by 20%last year to US $ 427 billion (about S $ 575 billion), and American goods imported by China decreased by 4%to 148 billion US dollars.

The trade volume between the two countries reached a record high in 2022, but then because many large US companies moved out of China, the trade volume began to decline.

Lai Yinshi, a trade expert of the US Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center, pointed out: "Last year, the decline in the Sino -US trade volume really looked like these two economies were alienating each other ... However, the United States added imported goods from Southeast Asia from Southeast Asia.And most of them are Chinese companies produced from transferring production lines or allowing goods to be exported through third countries to avoid tariffs or other restrictions. "

Daiqi said at the Ministerial Conference of World Trade Organization in Abu Dhabi this week: "China's economic development has created a lot of competitive pressures in the world." She pointed out that the WTO needs to reformCopy these pressures.

The World Trade Conference was held on February 26. It was originally closed on the 29th.However, it is very difficult to reach any agreement, because it requires unanimous consent of all 166 member states.

In recent years, the United States has taken the lead in calling on WTO reform.During the reign of the former US President Trump, the United States used the World Trade Arbitration Agency and its ruling to favors China and disadvantaged to the United States to obstruct the arbitration agency to appoint new judges, causing it to fall into a stop.After Bayeng came to power, the United States still maintained a demand for reform of WTO.Dai Qi said: "The World Trade must serve the interests of each member country, regardless of the size of the member state."

World Trade: Assist China to resolve differences

During Biden's tenure, China and the United States increased trade barriers, and trade relations further deteriorated.The World Trade Director -General Ivera said before the Urettic Ministry of Trade, saying that the WTO is managing to assist China to resolve partial differences in China.

In order to master valuable and natural resources and strengthen its own supply chain, China and the United States have tried to expand economic influence in some areas of Asia and Africa, which may lead to splitting into two major trading groups worldwide.Ivera warned: "We must be very cautious, because if this continues, it may cause actual damage to the world economy."

A Study of the WTO shows that this differentiation will lead to the annual output value of 5%of the world economic loss.Ivera said that such a loss was "huge" due to economic growth due to high interest rates and inflation.