For decades, NATO has always regarded China as a distant threat, but on Wednesday, it accused China of becoming "the decisive booster of the Russia's Ukraine War" and asked China to stop transporting "weapon components" and otherIt is crucial to rebuild the Russian army.

The statement is included in a statement approved not long ago before the White House attended the Dinner on Wednesday night.This is a major change for NATO. It was not until 2019 that NATO officially mentioned that China is a concern, and only uses the most gentle wording.

Now that NATO has joined Washington for the first time, condemning China's military support for Russia.

But the implicit threat in the declaration is that China ’s increasing support for Russia will pay it.The statement states that "the interests and reputation are impossible to be negatively affected when the largest war in Europe's recent history", and specifically pointed out that "the large -scale support for the foundation of the Russian defense industry in Russia."


NATO Declaration did not specify what these costs are, but the first step is to impose economic sanctions on China and prohibit China from entering some global markets.

Just one year ago, European leaders were still hesitating whether to challenge Beijing, especially countries like Germany that regarded China as important markets for high -end cars and luxury goods.

At the beginning of 2022, on the eve of the Beijing Winter Olympics, President Putin and China signed a "unsuitable" partnership agreement. Many European leaders originally dismissed it.Even President Biden said that he suspected that these two countries that had been hostile to each other for a long time could cooperate.During his visit to Canada in March 2023, he said, "I think we are greatly exaggerated" partnership.

"In the past three months, I have heard someone say,‘ China will provide a large number of weapons to Russia, they will do this ’, and many people are talking about this problem," Bayon said."They haven't. This does not mean they can't, but they don't have it yet."

But 29 months after the invasion of Ukraine in Russia, this view has undergone tremendous changes.Although China obeys not to provide a warning to Russia with a complete weapon system, in addition to this, it has done everything and provides computer chips, advanced software, and parts.The Russian defense industrial base needs to be reconstructed.

These intelligence evidence is provided to the NATO country with the Biden government, the purpose is to persuade those suspicions who think that China is not the core role of this war.This operation was successful, but the economic sanctions order of the US Treasury announced the list of Chinese companies and manufacturers who transported technology to Russia.

"This statement shows that the NATO alliance now understands this challenge and is calling on China to stop such activities," Bayon's national security adviser Jack Shalvin said on Wednesday afternoon."If this support of China continues, it will weaken relations with European countries. The United States will coordinate with our European allies and continue to impose sanctions on Chinese entities participating in this activity."

China has denied its important role in this war. Chinese officials have accused Washington extremely hypocritical in public and privately, pointing out that the United States is providing tens of billions of dollars ammunition, missile systems, and tanks worth tens of billions of dollars in the Ukraine army.Provide F-16 fighters.

In May of this year, after the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman, Wang Wenbin, spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that the United States was accusing "extremely hypocritical and very irresponsible."But he did not deny specific details.

No matter what kind of kindness was released when Biden was released in California last November, it may be affected by China's role in Ukraine.At that time, Biden warned not to interfere with the presidential election in 2024, but there was no evidence at the time that China was with Iran and North Korea to become the main force to support the Russian war.