When Americans choose the next president, this competition has always received close attention from the world.The US foreign policy and the White House's every move have a significant impact on all over the world.

In the first debate held by Joe Biden and Donald Trump on Thursday, the influence of the United States must be one of the topics overseas.

But the impact of this election is not only in Ukraine, Israel and Gaza.

BBC's eight abroad reporters explained to you why the duel between Bayeng and Trump will set off a wave at their place.

Russians will pay close attention to unstable signs

Imagine, if you are Vladimir Putin, who do you want to enter the White House more?Is it a person who is called a "killer" and promised to support Ukraine?

Or Trump, this criticized the United States' military assistance to Kiev, and said that it would encourage Russia to "do whatever you want" for any NATO member states who did not meet the standards of defense expenditure?

The leaders of the Kremlin are always keen to be unexpected.Putin has publicly stated that he actually hopes that Biden can continue to stay because his "predictability".

However, the outside world should be careful about this public support.Moscow is likely to be the election of a US presidential candidate who is skeptical of NATO and Ukraine, which is regarded as Russia's gas -breathing opportunity in geopolitics.

Moscow will not be rewarded.The Kremlin was disappointed with Trump's first presidential term.

In 2016, a Russian official admitted to me that he had used a cigar and a bottle of champagne to celebrate Trump's victory.But this cup of champagne is tasteless.Russian authorities have expected Russia -US relations to improve, but this has never been realized.

Who can guarantee that Trump's election will not make Moscow the same disappointment again?

No matter who won the White House election, the Russian authorities will closely pay close attention to the signs of political instability and polarization after the US election, and find ways to benefit from it.

The biggest difference is on Taiwan issue

Both candidates are showing a strong stance on China and adopting similar economic policies to fight against China's rise, including imposing tariffs on cheap Chinese products.

But in dealing with the influence of China's regional region, their approach is very different.Biden strengthened the relationship with regional countries, hoping to send clear information to the increasingly tough China through the united front.

But Trump did not pay much attention to how to become a politician during his presidency, but pay more attention to the "best transaction" he thinks.He threatened that unless Seoul paid more money to Washington, the United States would withdraw troops from South Korea.

The biggest difference between the two lies in the Taiwan issue.

Bynden reiterated on multiple occasions that if China is ready to achieve the unity of Taiwan and mainland China, Biden will help this island, and if necessary, force will be used if necessary.However, Trump accused Taiwan of weakening US companies and opposed the US bill of assistance to Taiwan.This allows some people to question whether he is willing to help Taiwan when necessary.

In China, an unpredictable Trump may weaken and differentiate the United States' ally -ally -ally -ally -in the region -but he may also launch another trade war.China will not be enthusiastic about Bayeng for another four years.They believe that the construction of Biden's alliance may trigger a new Cold War.

Ukraine will watch this vote related to its destiny

Maybe no country is more concerned about this US election than Ukraine.

As we all know, the United States provides funds and weapons support to Ukraine in the war.Few people believe that Europe can fill any gaps quickly or easily.But in Kiev, most people do not pay attention to the ins and outs of the campaign as you think.

As someone told me, this is because it still feels far away in November.As Ukrainian cities were attacked by the Russian gliding bomb, and the Urpical Army worked hard to prevent the Russian army from advancing, it also had more urgent concerns.

They are very clear about Ukraine's remarks during the campaign.As far as Trump is concerned, the analysts here know that he has said that he wants to end the war, and he has also mentioned to reduce assistance.

Although some people are worried that he may force Ukraine to reach a ceasefire agreement that it does not like, the experts remind that what should be concerned about is what someone did during the ruling, rather than they said in the campaign or debate that they saidWhat.

Moreover, considering that Congress took a long time before passing the previous assistance plan, even Biden wins, it will be as thin as ice.

Therefore, Ukraine's interest in this American election is very high, but it is still just a bystander, and it is not predictable that Ukraine has already learned what has been accepted.

Britain is facing more uncertainty

British decision makers told me that they were looking at the US election with a little uneasiness.

On the one hand, they are nervous about potential decisions that may affect Britain.

If Trump returns to the White House, will the president weaken the United States' military support for Ukraine and please Putin?Will he once again provoke disputes with Europe on the issue of NATO?Will he trigger a trade war with China?

If Biden is successfully re -elected, will he exacerbate American isolation and protectionism?Can his physical condition be competent in the next four years?

At another level, there are wider concerns.In the UK, people are worried that if the results of the election on November 5 are not considered legitimate by many American voters, they may lead to a more serious political violence than the Mansion of the Congress in January 2021.

The US democratic crisis may damage its global leadership and encourage dictators from all over the world.All of these are worried about the politicians of the two major British political parties, and they are also preparing to be in Britain's own election on July 4.

At some point in the future, do they have to make choices between supporting democratic values ​​and maintaining close relationships with traditional allies?Do they have to choose between the United States and Europe on some major issues?

The most important thing is that in an increasingly uncertain world, the US election has brought more uncertainty to Britain.

Israeli Jews more support Trump instead of Bayeng

In the Middle East, both candidates have received close attention because people know that the White House's competition will have a significant impact.

After Hamas's shocking attack on October 7 last year, President Bayeng expressed his firm support for Israel and continued to provide weapons to the country, although he gradually proposed to the Kasha war and a large number of Palestinian civilians.Criticism.

Overall, polls show that more Israeli Jews believe that Trump is more conducive to Israel than Bayen.Most people do not agree with the way of dealing with wars.The Palestinians generally believe that Biden ignored their suffering.

The Israelites formally acknowledged that Jerusalem was the capital of the country and promoted the memory of the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Arab countries.

He supported Israel to launch a war on Gaza, but also urged Israel to "end the war" as soon as possible, arguing that the image of Israel is damaging.

Although the Palestinians do not have any expectations for Biden's second term, Trump may make their situation worse.The former president promised that if he was elected, he would cut off the United States' assistance to the Palestinians.

In the long run, Biden continues to support the "two countries" that is generally recognized internationally, although he has not given specific plans to realize this plan.Trump has questioned the feasibility of establishing an independent Palestinian State.

Traditional views believe that Benjamin Network, Benjamin Network, hopes to see Trump regain power.However, it is said that Trump quickly acknowledged that he was dissatisfied with Biden Victory in 2020.

India: Maybe it is just a change of tone

BBC reporter in New Delhi, Samira Hussain

In the eyes of the White House, India is a fragrant.The United States regards India as the geopolitical forces that check and balance China.

India is the fifth largest economy in the world, and will become the third largest economy in the world by 2030.Earlier this month, India held the world's largest democratic election. Narendra Modi successfully re -elected and started the third term.

Although India has always faced criticism of democracy and distorting the real economic situation in China, in view of India's strategic importance, these are not real factor for the United States.

No matter what happens in November, it will not affect India's performance on the global stage.Both candidates are "old acquaintances".

If Biden continues to serve as president, the United States is expected to maintain the status quo, which means a healthy trade relationship and red carpet treatment.Just last year, Modi conducted a formal state visit to Washington. The White House held a grand enrollment for Modi, and Modi also gave a speech at the joint meeting of Congress.

If Trump is elected again, the only difference may be the problem of tone.He once called Modi a outstanding leader.Trump visited India in 2020 and went to Modi's hometown Gujilatbon, which attracted thousands of people to come and watch.

These show that India can respond regardless of political results.

Trump's provocative remarks still make Mexico be worried

Mexicans made a historic choice in the recent presidential election, elected Claudia Sheinbaum as the country's first female president.

Her intimate ally, and the upcoming President Andrees Manuel Lopez Obrador (Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador) has established an unexpected partnership with him during Trump's tenureEssence

Although the relationship between Mexico and Biden is sometimes tense, the United States and Mexico have been consistent in key areas such as immigration and cross -border trade.

Once on the stage, Singbom will need to show that she is not only an extension of the last government, but also to achieve this than to improve the relationship with Washington?

Therefore, no matter who Biden and Trump can start the second term, Xin Bom may try to be different from his predecessor in terms of tone and way when cooperating with him, even if it is not substantial.

Singbom said in an interview with BBC during the campaign that she was not afraid of the prospects of any of the two of them into the White House.She said to me, "I will fight for Mexicans."

However, Mexicans have no good opinion of Trump's presidential term.In 2016, when Trump began to run for a messy golden elevator, he was called "drug dealers, criminals, and rapists."These provocative words alone are enough to make many people here.

The billions of dollars in Canada is affected

Canada in the northern neighbor in the United States is a little concerned about Trump's president again.

Trump has never been as popular as some people in the United States in Canada.A poll earlier this year shows that most people worry that the democracy in the United States will not be able to survive in the next four -year term of Trump.

Although Trump stressed during bilateral relations during his presidency, Canada has achieved some victory, especially the North American Trade Agreement has been successfully re -negotiated.> As the November US election approaches, the Canadian politics and business circles are already preparing for more trade turbulence.

How tight the connection between the two countries is, especially in the economy, it is not too much emphasized.Last year, about 3.6 billion Canadian dollars (2.6 billion US dollars; pounds of pounds) crossed the border.

Therefore, the formal review of the trade agreement, as well as the idea of ​​Trump's idea of ​​levying tariffs on global imported goods in the campaign activities, has caused concern.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau launched a "Canadian team" project to send politicians, special envoys and business leaders to the United States, privately and publicly publicized the value of Canada.

During Trump's first time as president, similar actions have proven to be successful.Trudeau said that Canada would "prepare to deal with any problem that thrown to us."